Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A good brochure design not only increases your sales potential, but also leaves a good first impression on your potential customers. While a well-designed brochure makes for an effective marketing tool, a poorly-designed one is a sure-fire way to drive potential customers away. Learn how you can build an effective brochure design that sells with the help of these tips: Read More

Questions To Ask Before Buying A Franchise

Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 5338 days ago
Made Hot by: ruth on February 20, 2010 4:28 am
If you're considering purchasing a franchise, there are questions you should be asking of the franchise company executives... Read More
We have always been hugely influenced by images and messages. Do you know what your business is telling the world? Read More
Recently Chris Brogan, co-author of Trust Agents, speaker, trainer and all around social media guru, visited Minneapolis and held a seminar he titled “Reputations.” Eric Mitchellette, business coach and consultant, attended and wrote an article for this blog that I could share with you. Read More
Being an employer can be a wonderfully enriching experience. However, there is one aspect of being a boss that few (if any) employers relish: firing an employee. Firing employees can be particularly difficult where an employer has developed a personal relationship with an employee, or where an employee has served a company for a number of years. Here are some tips to consider when firing any empl Read More
Social media platforms build buzz, boost business and serve small businesses as low-cost/no-cost marketing tools. Small business owners need to understand how these tools strategically serve and support small business first so they best implement social media strategies to sell products and/or services. Read More

Tax Breaks for Going Green : Money :: American Express OPEN Forum

Avatar Posted by thursdayb under Taxes
From 5338 days ago
Made Hot by: tishaslow on February 23, 2010 1:45 am
Going green can be a matter of personal choice — of wanting to make your business better for the environment. But going green can also be good business. With the many tax deductions and credits available to business owners, making your company more sustainable can pay off when you do your taxes. Read More

10 Signs You're A Social Media Addict

Avatar Posted by MattValentine under Social Media
From 5338 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on February 18, 2010 6:51 pm
Do you wake up and immediately check Face book or Twitter? Then you may just be a social media addict. Here are the top 10 Signs You're A Social Media Addict. Read More

Ten web strategies to implement in 2010

Avatar Posted by tmhcks under Online Marketing
From 5338 days ago
Made Hot by: additurboknittingneedles on February 21, 2010 11:01 pm
By utilising mobile technology, listening to the customers needs and expanding into applications small businesses can revamp their websites this year, writes Matt Gibson, a BIMA award winning Web producer and director of production at London based digital agency Cyber-Duck. Read More

3 Little Things Potential Customers Will Check About You

Avatar Posted by smedio under Customer Service
From 5338 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on February 18, 2010 5:47 pm
This title isn’t some cynical reference to Big Brother. It’s about the first, basic layer of scrutiny that potential customers give YOU: small businesses, consultants, freelancers and entrepreneurs, and you may not even know it. Read More

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