Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a buzz word these days. You've probably heard over and over that you need to optimize your web site for the search Read More
Irish businesses tend to first target marketing when it comes to cutting costs, although academic findings suggest they should do the very opposite to survive the recession and thrive thereafter. Read More
Businesses having Facebook Fan pages can exploit the huge potential that Facebook offers in terms of getting visitors, since Facebook is second only to Google for sheer number of visitors. Read More

Seven Tax Tips for Small and Home Business in 2010

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Taxes
From 5343 days ago
Made Hot by: MMarquit on February 17, 2010 1:54 am
From CPA Bernard B. Kamoroff and, here are seven tax tips for small and home business as you approach the filing deadline for federal income taxes. The article talks about ways to save substantially through a variety of means from making sure to write off expenses correctly and remembering to write off any damaged or unusable inventory. See the rest of the tips below. Read More
Google Buzz is a brand-new social network tool that facilitates Gmail users to share updates, links, images, videos, and more with their friends. GoogleBuzz is designed in a manner that Gmail user can use their existing social contacts to carry out their online social activities. Read More

4 Common Venture Capital Myths

Avatar Posted by VictoriaJones under Raising Capital
From 5343 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on February 13, 2010 3:26 am
Raising venture capital financing--as a first-time founder in particular--is a difficult task, even in the strongest of financial markets. At a recent conference, a panelist opined that over 95 percent of entrepreneurs decide not to raise venture capital. Read More
Every business needs project management. If you do not have a project management methodology your business will lose money. It doesn't have to be complicated though! Read More
Former personal finance columnist Tiare Rath provides an extensive look here at some of the ways small businesses can reduce their health care costs. Some of these decisions might be hard ones and it is up to you to make up your mind what is necessary to address the issue in your business. See the full article in the small business information section at Read More
Whether you are in the business of making money, running governments, or organizing communities - teamwork is essential. It is the basis of engagement, innovation and success.'s Caron Beesley provides 10 tips from the experts on how to build your business into an efficient and effective team effort. Read More
To make your postcards market effectively, you need to design them specifically for potential customers. Your postcards should be able to provide them with useful information and eventually persuade them to purchase your products or use your services. Launch an effective postcard marketing campaign by putting yourself in your customer’s shoes. Read More

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