Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Is It A Business or A Hobby?

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Taxes
From 5372 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on January 17, 2010 7:34 am
Does the small business you operate constitute a business or a hobby? It could make a difference when it comes to taxes according to the IRS. If you want to figure out whether that thing you're doing in your spare time is a business and entitled to business deductions, the Internal Revenue Service has created this guide to help you figure it all out. Read More

Does Online Advertising Really Work?

Avatar Posted by jsternal under Advertising
From 5372 days ago
Made Hot by: Bigheights on January 14, 2010 9:51 pm
New research suggests that the mere presence of online ads has an influence on the products and services we buy, and that businesses that advertise online are probably getting a better bang for their advertising buck on the Web than in other media, like television, radio or print. Read More

Great Customer Service Drives Revenue and Profitability

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Customer Service
From 5373 days ago
Made Hot by: WayneLiew on January 15, 2010 10:20 am
Too many people look at customer service as a cost center, when it really should be a profit center. I recently read B-A-M!: Delivering Customer Service in a Self-Service World and it’s an important refresher and reminder of the importance of great customer service. Customer support is something I’ve obsessed over for many years. Here are 9 important reminders + revelations from B-A-M. Read More
One of the best ways to drive engagement and build word of mouth traffic about your brand is to run a contest via social media channels. Not only does it engage consumers with your brand in a fun and exciting way, it results in a treasure-trove of customer information, preferences, and feedback you can then mine to improve your business. And, best of all, launching an online contest can be very i Read More
How do you use Twitter? How do you make Twitter profitable? These are questions asked of me frequently and below is an overview of how I personally use Twitter. First and foremost I look at Twitter as a stepping stone in building a relationship with potential clients and partners.  Twitter, for my business, is not a great tool for ongoing relationships.  I cannot carry on a meaningful conversatio Read More
Kudos to all the companies who have utilised social media in 2009, but since 2010 is around the corner; it is a good time to see what can be done better in 2010. There are many opportunities and so much could be done that the list is endless, but here I have tried to select the 10 lowest hanging fruits. Nothing is absolute, and we all know that what works for some doesn’t for others. Read More
Offering Tips and Advice in Business Articles and Blog Postings is a Golden Strategy for Attracting Clients. It allows us to demonstrate our expertise, skill and acumen. But never make yourself redundant by giving away all of the pieces of the puzzle and providing a "do-it-yourself-manual" for prospective customers. Read More
Indeed, lack of confidence can kill a young company. But so, too, can thinking you're all that when you're not. How to strike the right balance between confidence and arrogance? Start by avoiding the following classic traps. I wish they were clichés, but sadly they aren't. Read More
When you do not proactively keep in touch with your key customers, you can find yourself needing to constantly gain new customers to stay in business. So how do you make sure you stay engaged with important customers?

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How Much Business Startup Capital Do You Really Need?

Avatar Posted by ThomasPickering under Raising Capital
From 5373 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on January 14, 2010 9:47 pm
When you're planning to start a business, these questions are probably the first things that cross your mind. How much startup capital do I need? Do I have enough money? Can I afford to put up this business? If you want to calculate the amount of startup capital needed for your business, you s... Read More

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