Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This post from looks at a simple online screen sharing tool that would seem to have great potential for small business collaboration, requires no hefty downloads and takes only seconds to use. Please read the article and test the tool if you are so inclined. Though I haven't tested out the tool yet, I'd be most thankful for any feedback from anyone who's used it and we welc Read More

5 Must-Read Tips for B2B Search Marketing

Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Online Marketing
From 5411 days ago
Made Hot by: MarciaB2B on December 7, 2009 6:18 pm
Search marketing should be a top priority for organizations in any industry. But B2B search marketing efforts take a slightly different form than the tactics used in consumer focused SEO and PPC programs . Typically, B2B markets are smaller, products and services are more complex, and sales cycles are longer. Read More
Online video can be an important marketing tool for small business and this post from Josh Catone at Mashable gives a 5 great examples of Web video used to its best effect. All the examples are different, but if you watch them all and read Josh's commentary, we're fairly certain you'll come away with some food for thought about how online video can benefit your own small business and marketing ef Read More
One of the best solutions for a time-crunched connection is to write a quick tips article. Everyone loves simple and good tips! They are brief, fun and usually a breeze to read through. Read More

Writing A Business Plan For Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by jsternal under Management
From 5412 days ago
Made Hot by: mssux on December 5, 2009 9:48 pm
Do you feel a business plan in critical today for a small business? Especially when you factor in the number of home-based businesses (that don't need VC funding), we can see where there may not be a need for writing a business plan for entrepreneurs. Read More

Five Ways Your Small Business Can Use Online Video

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Technology
From 5412 days ago
Made Hot by: q4sales on December 5, 2009 7:00 pm
Mack Collier suggests five ways your small business can use online video in this post from Search Engine Guide. Of course, lower technology costs combined with the novelty and popularity of video online make this an important tool for small business not to be overlooked. Of course, a bit of brainstorming may reveal some uses beyond Collier's initial recommendations but all small business people s Read More

5 Great Reasons to Follow Internet Marketing Industry News

Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Online Marketing
From 5413 days ago
Made Hot by: NetZpider on December 4, 2009 5:09 pm
Is it worth spending time to follow Internet marketing news? Of course. Pay attention to the Internet marketing industry news that can help you identify an emerging trend or a dying current practice. There's nothing worse than wasting time on something that could have been avoided with a little industry due diligence. Read More

10 Web Trends to Watch in 2010

Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Online Marketing
From 5413 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 5, 2009 12:56 am
Here are 10 trends that are going to be big on the Internet in 2010 as predicted by Pete Cashmore. Although it is close to impossible for your small business to be riding each of the waves, it is important to see how you can align your business to at least capture the benefits that one of these trends might bring. Read More
Learning from other other small businesses can spark ideas and opportunities that we can use in the marketing of our brands. This is an interview of a small business owner who started just 3 years and Lisa shares how she has grown her small business. Read More
Starting your own business during a recession may sound risky. This is not the case if you invest your time and money in recession proof businesses. The articles lists some recession proof businesses for those aspiring to start their own business. Read More

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