Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you live by price - you will die by price

Avatar Posted by alenmajer under Sales
From 5489 days ago
Made Hot by: franpro on September 20, 2009 4:52 pm
If your prospect does not see the value in your product or service, and if the only difference between you and the competitors is in pricing, you didn't do a good job as a sales person. The main description of your position inside the company is to create the value, not just to show your price list. Teaching and educating customers is no longer en Read More

Five Sure Fire Ways to Measure Innovation

Avatar Posted by ZaneSafrit under Strategy
From 5489 days ago
Made Hot by: edragonu on September 18, 2009 8:43 pm
Sustainable, consistent, innovation is increasingly the competitive edge for businesses of all sizes. Here's 5 metrics any business, of any size, can measure to judge the success of their innovation. Read More

Small Business Guide to Self Publishing

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Resources
From 5490 days ago
Made Hot by: tomretterbush on September 18, 2009 4:54 pm
Self publishing can be an important tool for small business. Books on your area of expertise can create a whole new product line for your business and now getting published is no longer the obstacle it once was. The self publishing revolution with technologies like print on demand at the forefront have revolutionized the publishing industry. This Read More

Working with Your Spouse

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Self-Development
From 5490 days ago
Made Hot by: CindyKing on September 23, 2009 1:19 pm
When it comes to small business, working with your spouse is sometimes an occupational hazard. As Andrew Field of explains on, working with your husband or wife requires care to see that relationship and business issues do not overlap. This is a subject very near and dear to my heart since my wife and I often work toge Read More
Creativity is often made out to be a nebulous, messy, complicated, difficult thing, and it can be. But it doesn't have to be. The judicious application of simplicity can help someone to create, whether that's writing, creating art, designing, teaching, starting a small business, or in some other way making ideas take shape into reality. Read More
Just like many of you, I like to save money. That's why I offer so many “Do-It-Yourself Public Relations” products. I'm also always on the lookout for other useful, inexpensive publicity tools. Here's a list of tools you can use to get publicity for $1 or less. Read More

Company Intranets Keep Employees on the Same Page

Avatar Posted by knippposton under Success Stories
From 5490 days ago
Made Hot by: patsonlegal on September 17, 2009 2:26 pm
An intranet is a web site that can be accessed only by authorized people. It can provide a central location for corporate information you want to keep internal. Read More
We cannot deny the fact that during this economic crisis, lenders are being firm when it comes to their standards in giving out loans. As much as they want to lend their money to a lot of business starter, they are also concern with the return of their money. You can increase the chances of getting a loan if you just have to express yourself. Expr Read More
Starting a small business from the scrap may not be that easy. You must keep your head going and think for a brighter and better plan. As a bootstrapper, you know very well that you completely rely on your self. No external support, no strong foundation and no string connections. You will make your own decisions, plans and strategies. Oftentimes, o Read More
Big business marketers know that one of the most important elements of a successful marketing plan is knowing what makes you stand out from your competition. Before they spend any money on marketing tactics they work out what sets them apart and importantly what is meaningful to their target market. Developing your brand positioning is very import Read More

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