Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Have you heard about MacSpeech Dictate? It's a speech recognition and dictation program that takes what you say and turns it into words on your Mac screen. Speech recognition and dictation software applications have been around for a while, but many users have complained that earlier editions are hard to use or the programs won't pick up your norm Read More
CIT is in big trouble. That is big trouble for the franchise industry... Read More

137 Small Business Twitter Tips

Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Social Media
From 5552 days ago
Made Hot by: marciabiz on July 17, 2009 2:11 pm
Readers where asked to contribute their best Twitter small business tips. The collected tips were compiled into one free downloadable PDF document. Read More
BingTweets combines Twitter trends with Bing search results, enabling users to see deeper, real-time information about the hottest topics on Twitter. Search for anything in the BingTweets search box (at the top right of every page) and see Bing search results alongside the most recent related tweets. Read More

How to Make Your Tweets More Useful

Avatar Posted by ducttape under Social Media
From 5553 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 16, 2009 4:56 pm
One of the major push backs I get surrounding twitter use for business involves the idea of ROI. It's a genuine concern and something that can feel very hard to measure for most businesses. It's rare when someone can effectively attract followers and blatantly sell something to that at the same time. In most social media settings it just doesn't w Read More
Have you ever been too demanding as a customer of other small businesses? If you have, then you may have missed out on opportunities to increase sales. As small business owners we are often asked for recommendations. Read More
A recession might seem like good news for employers looking to hire: with unemployment rates up, you've got more people to choose from and the opportunity to hire at a lower price. Read More
Many brands like to treat social media like a big party at the cool kids house. Everybody's invited, and having a great time. The conversation is flowing and it's the place that everyone wants to be. Eventually, you realize that your brand is not there yet, and someone (usually someone with a big title) decides that your brand should be. So you Read More

The Great Wall Of Google - A Short Essay On Communication

Avatar Posted by kimmendrez under Strategy
From 5553 days ago
Made Hot by: Peri on July 16, 2009 2:40 pm
China started building its Great Wall in the 5th century to keep out its enemies. In the 21st century, the unwelcome party being kept out by the great wall Google has built around their company is you, the local business owner. Read More
Want to start a blog for your small business, but not sure what to write about? The best posts are like personal notes to your customer. Here's a starter list of topics to get you going. Read More

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