Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Predicting a 'Modest' Recovery Soon

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Finance
From 5553 days ago
Made Hot by: neshthompson on July 19, 2009 3:06 pm
The most positive thing to be said of recessions is that they eventually end. As bad as the Great Depression and other downturns were — and for as long as they lasted— the country ultimately emerged stronger, and grew more prosperous after each one. This has led some to wonder if a recovery from today's recession is on its way. We are not out of t Read More
As a nation, we have come to expect nothing but the highest-quality customer service from all our service providers. With such high expectations, it's inevitable that nearly every small business owner will have to deal with customer complaints in their day-to-day business life. Read More
One of the best ways to build links back to your website and drive targeted traffic is to be a guest blogger or article writer for another website in the same niche. But how do you get those gigs? Well, it's not hard. The first thing you need to do is find them. Read More
While on vacation last week in Kauai I sat beachside relaxed and entranced by the awesome power of the ocean. I was entertained watching wave after wave hit the beach, toppling kids and adults as they played in the water. As I sat there, I became curious about how waves are formed. So I turned on my iPhone and went to the Internet in search of Read More
Names matter — especially when it comes to your online business. High atop her balcony, the love-struck Juliet laments her lover's problematic surname, declaring, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” While technically she's right, you wouldn't want to put Juliet in charge of your online branding efforts. Read More

“I Like” Brands on Facebook

Avatar Posted by 33interactions under Social Media
From 5554 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 15, 2009 4:07 pm
In order to really get ahead in the Facebook Fan Page world, a company should remember the most important component to a successful page: the fan. Some brands are doing it right by engaging their fans to take an active role and stance on their most liked brands. Read More
With the good inevitably comes the bad. Sometimes I feel like a one-woman social-media-promoting band, telling friends, family and colleagues about the joys and benefits of using Twitter. I still feel that way — using Twitter has been beneficial for my business, and the only investment has been my time. Read More
Are management consultants mostly for the birds? Are you far better off trying to figure out your own management style, especially in small businesses? Some hard criticisms are leveled at management gurus by author Matthew Stewart in his new book The Management Myth: Management Consulting Past, Present and Largely Bogus. Check out the brief review Read More
Before you jump in and conduct an email marketing campaign, there are a few areas you need to consider to see if it is the right marketing tactic for your business. Read More
In this blog post, Lynette DeNike gives five suggestions about how to run a smarter small business. Her suggestions are specific for businesses grappling with the economic recession including the suggestion to "Change your product mix". There is also a common sense recommendation about bartering for services. Read the article for more of Lynette Read More

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