Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Good post about using social media and other technologies to pick up customers. Read More
A conversation with Alaina Love, author of The Purpose Linked Organization. Love explains how to link the skills, values, and passions of employees to their performance—and how doing so will bring results. Read More
Angela Connor, author of "18 Rules of Community Engagement" poses ten questions to internet marketing specialist, Phyllis Zimbler Miller. Read More
The roadblock that so many entrepreneurs encounter as they try to launch is thinking they, or one of their co-founders, has to perform every task necessary to get their product out the door. This comes back to the question: when it comes to your product should you build it, buy it or hire it out?. While you don't have to (and should not) hire out Read More
LinkedIn has helped many people, but some struggle to figure out what they can do beyond connecting with others. Here are 33 ways to help you make the most of LinkedIn. Read More
Some employees are afraid to jump into Twitter from a business perspective. Sometimes it helps to have answers to questions and this list provides a majority of answers. Read More

What Can SMB Owners Learn From #moonfruit?

Avatar Posted by JoshAK under Marketing
From 5554 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 15, 2009 4:08 pm
Great case study about a small business marketing campaign that made waves all over the web. Just another example of how the web can go to work for small business. Read More
What does small business branding entail? Should it require a personal touch or is it all business? I think it depends. But if you plan to do any online marketing, and that includes branding, then you'd better learn to get a little bit personal. Read More

5 Techniques For Dealing With Negative People

Avatar Posted by roseanderson under Strategy
From 5555 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on July 14, 2009 4:15 pm
No matter what type of job we do or where we work, we all come in contact with negative, difficult people at some point. Our basic instinct tells us to fight back, defend ourselves, and react to their negativity with negative remarks of our own. However, we are human beings with the ability to control our responses. Read More
As a small business owner you are dependent on cash flow - and making sure that your customer payments transact seamlessly, securely and reliably are critical to that cash flow. Here's an overview of the payment options you may want to extend to your customers as well as the best practices and self-protection tactics you should employ when accept Read More

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