Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Josh Spaulding points out some of the basic SEO mistakes he made with his first Website 3 years ago. Read More
New media has already reminded up that PR stands for public relations and not just media relations. This is still something that many organizations are navigating at the moment. Now Google is giving us yet another Wave of innovation and showing us what is possible in the browser. It was developed by the team that gave us Google Maps. Read More
All of them have just concluded a major B2B research initiative, which was conducted by Enquiro with input from Google,, Covario, Marketo and DemandBase. The so-called BuyerSphere Project showed that most marketers aren't effectively leveraging online assets to their best potential. Are you shocked, shocked by these findings? Read More
Whilst there is no doubt there are many more than nine marketing mistakes to avoid, these are ones that could be holding back your marketing success and are really quite simple to avoid. Read More

Starting a software business: Lessons from 37 Signals

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Startups
From 5556 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 13, 2009 4:48 pm
In this video from Andrew Warner of, Andrew talks about lessons learned in his interview with Jason Fried, founder of 37 Signals. Among the lessons are that money isn't necessary to start a company, but that developing a voice and becoming a teacher for your customers is. He says Fried also advocates building a subscription ba Read More
This brief video featuring Tom Hopkins, Partner at Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP, talks about internally funding your startup, selling products and services quickly and cheaply and using the cash flow for growth. The astonishing fact is that research indicates 80 percent of the fastest growing companies in the U.S. were started this way. I Read More
From deciding on the legal form of your new business to issues of intellectual property with new products and services, this "bootcamp" with students at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia provides a wealth of information and some food for thought. You'll be introduced to a variety of legal organizations from C and S cor Read More
How do you avoid costly mistakes while starting a small business? In this quirky video from we're given some important points about what to do and not to do when starting a small business from the perspective of a child's lemonade stand. It's funny and entertaining but still hits on some critical ideas including the need to target Read More
You've probably already thought about incorporating your business. But figuring out how to get started, what kind of incorporation you may need and how to make sure it's done right are all important considerations. This article from Home-Based Business Online tells you a bit more about why you may need to incorporate, what kind of incorporation Read More
Hiring employees for your small business can be among the most important decisions you make. This article from looks at some job interviewing skills that may help. Of course, a good practice is to hold off on hiring, especially for full-time employees, until you absolutely need them. Do what you can with outsourcing, part-time and c Read More

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