Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I've been to something like one hundred conferences and corporate events in the past several years as I travel the world delivering keynotes and running seminars. I've been collecting some observations on what makes a good presentation and also drawing from my own experience. Read More
If you are sat at home this weekend contemplating starting your own small / micro home business or becoming a self-employed freelancer / sole trader then here are ten quick-fire business ideas to use as a starting point. Read More
I came across this list a few days ago and thought it might be a little food for thought for you guys. I snagged these predictions (view full presentation) from the SmallBizLabs blog, where they were put together by Steve King and Carolyn Ockels of Emergent Research. Anyway, while I didn't find any of the points to be particularly shocking, it's Read More
Home improvement season is here and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) is offering advice on how to take advantage of tax credits being offered by the federal government while increasing home energy efficiency and helping the environment at the same time. Read More
How many times have you found yourself distracted from your business responsibilities and goals? If it's becoming a real problem, you'll need to take drastic action to keep your mind — and your business — focused on what matters. Going all in doesn't mean taking an unbalanced approach. Read More
Earlier this week I gave a presentation on the intersection of SEO, online PR and social media to a great mix of people (mostly agencies) at a SEMPO Arizona event. The SEO/PR/Social topic is an interesting mix due to the convergence that's been happening over the past 2-3 years and of course, because it's the essence of what we've been doing at To Read More
How can I optimize for "deep web" crawling? Read More
I'm often talking about producing high quality, education based content as way to draw leads to know, like and trust you. So, for example, I always advise small business owners to create and populate a blog because I happen to think it's one of the easiest and most effective ways to both create and optimize content. Read More
Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft announced a joint effort to help reduce duplicate content. The three major search engines came together to allow users to point out their preferred version of a url. Read More

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