Sundaydriver voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In Japanese firms, for any project there is always a designated person that people are asked to deal with, and that person is referred to as the madoguchi, which literally means “window person.” Read More

Business Start-Up

Business Start-Up - Avatar Posted by veron under Startups
From 4169 days ago
Business start up is a section especially posted online to help you start, expand or pump up your business
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Today, of course, it's a very familiar phrase. And it's especially relevant to people who actively pursue a life in which they "never stop learning."

The length of your learning curve plays a key role in determining how fast you'll be successful when you embark on a new enterprise or career. For Read More

5 Crucial Money Laws To Consider When Building A Business

5 Crucial Money Laws To Consider When Building A Business - Avatar Posted by veron under Marketing
From 4169 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on February 4, 2013 12:52 pm
The five money laws rule the business world... knowing them is the first step to financial freedom
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Will You Marry Me?

Will You Marry Me? - Avatar Posted by AWAI under Marketing
From 4169 days ago
Guillermo Rubio, back again with the scoop on getting clients.

Yesterday, you decided who your ideal client is. Today, we’re going to put that information to use.


By creating the three things you’ll need in place before you can effectively market and promote yourself:
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Social media is one of the best and easiest ways to research potential clients. Jen Phillips April helps you learn to harness the client grabbing power of social media. Read More
Ever hear of Instagram? That’s not surprising considering in only 2 years they have grown to over 100 million users! This article will help you understand why Instagram is important for businesses of all shapes and sizes and how you can use it to your advantage along with some great insight and ide Read More
Have you seen a number of backlink building methods that look to good to be true? Chances are they are. Take a look at some of these methods that are no longer effective. Read More
The internet is crowded with thriving freemium type of websites that make money hrough paid upgrades on free websites. By doing this Companies can convert loyal users into paying customers after trying out basic services. If you’re considering a freemium business model, understand these factors. Read More
“Professionals practice until they can’t get it wrong.”

I didn’t come up with this, and I have no idea who did. (Google turns up everyone from Mark Twain to the military.)

But no matter.

All that matters is the MESSAGE. Read More

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