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There Are No Magic Shortcuts: An Interview With Martin Zwilling

There Are No Magic Shortcuts: An Interview With Martin Zwilling  - Avatar Posted by rvarshneya under Startups
From 4168 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on February 2, 2013 3:27 am
Rahul Varshneya interviews Martin Zwilling on how to successfully startup and effectively market your brand and your startup. Read More
Although, Google keeps tweaking its algorithm regularly, it makes sure that the basic SEO process is intact (unmodified). No matter how many Google pets arrive, blogs which follow these basics will never get penalized. Do you know these basic SEO tips that we're talking about? Find out here [...] Read More
Nearly everybody marketing on the internet uses email marketing to build a list, but few of them know about the benefits of list segmentation. List segmentation is the process of filtering out certain subscribers into a new sub list based on certain behaviour such as open rates, click through rates Read More

20 Sure-fire Ways to Be a Great Entrepreneur

20 Sure-fire Ways to Be a Great Entrepreneur  - Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Strategy
From 4168 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on February 1, 2013 1:42 pm
Successful entrepreneurs have great characteristics they live by. Even if you don’t have all of these characteristics, don’t fret. Most can be learned with practice and by developing a winning attitude.

Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires a lot of discipline and adoption of intangible va Read More
It is said that marketing is a key component of a particular product and needs to be taken into consideration when selling. There are several ways in which large organizations tend to market their products and get the much needed brand awareness they need. Read More

The Secret of Running a Reputable Business Blog

The Secret of Running a Reputable Business Blog  - Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Social Media
From 4168 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on February 5, 2013 6:56 am
Are you interested in establishing a reputable business blog? If so, you need to stand above the rest. How to do that if you are not a business expert? Read More
The question all modern marketers now need to ask themselves is this: How can I use mobile and social to properly analyze and plan lead development strategies? Well, the answer to this question is intricate Read More
However, if you are to have a successful business, you will need to have a very different approach. Broadly speaking, there are three main issues that you will need to consider when setting up the business in order for it to be as successful as possible. These include: Read More
The Republic of Tea is one of my all-time favorite books. A smooth, rich blend of startup story, memoir and philosophy (oh yes, the tea metaphors will abound in this one – you have been duly warned) that hits the spot just right. Read More
As a small business owner, you have to maintain money smarts, or you'll join the boneyard of those small businesses that don't take saving money seriously. Read More

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