Sundaydriver voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Shonali Burke takes an in-depth look at a CRM tool for small business called Streak. Obviously, a tool to track relationships with customers is paramount. This one is interesting because it easily integrates with free tools like Gmail and Google Apps. Read More
A look at six universal tactics for persuasion and how the can used by non-profits to persuade donors and grant makers that your organization is worth supporting. Read More
Studies have shown that it’s more expensive to acquire a new customer than to keep a current customer. Of course, in order to keep those current customers, brands have to make sure that they’re satisfied and willing to come back again and again. The easiest way to do this is to gather feedback from Read More
Push It Real Good, Brian Williams. Influency comes from many places, and Jimmy Fallon's pal Brian Williams influences young people in this fiscal-cliff Slow Jam Read More
Since most business blogs exist to earn traffic for their online sites, it is of great significance to attract as many visitors to your blog as possible. Setting up a website is simple, but making it a success takes hard work. By doing a little planning before you write your first post, you can inc Read More
With the growth of social networking and web 2.0 technology the internet has moved from a platform that previously was consisting of one sided interaction into an interesting method that definitely encourages open two way communication between clients and content marketers. Therefore, the way that Read More

How To Grow Your Business With Content Marketing

How To Grow Your Business With Content Marketing  - Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From 4171 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on January 31, 2013 5:15 pm
Done right, content marketing can be a valuable marketing channel for just about any type of business. This post offers 20 tips to help you create compelling, useful content that can help you to grow your business. Read More
MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute recently released a report on 2013 Content Marketing Trends for North America. It’s a fascinating report with insights into the challenges faced by B2B marketers and how they are leveraging content marketing to promote their businesses. Read More
The same technology that helps you in the office is a major problem on the road. Like this: "So recently I was in this hotel in Silicon Valley and I was feeling somewhat puckish. I noticed that one person's computer was listed. I clicked on his computer to see if file sharing was turned on. It was, Read More
Equity-based crowdfunding has huge potential to help startup or small business owners raise capital from lots of supporters. Crowd investing can also validate a business idea and simultaneously build a customer base. Creating a successful campaign, however, requires some savvy, and savvy comes from Read More

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