Sundaydriver voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Don't let the headlines mislead - YouTube's wants to sell $1 to $5 a month subscriptions for content channels that already have followers and charge for live events like Pay Per View does now.
Also, this is going to be an experiment.

THE LESSON? - Building a strong brand matter Read More
First things first – your startup needs a name! This may seem a silly and frivolous task, but it may be the most important decision you make. The name of your business has a tremendous impact on how customers and investors view you, and in today’s small world, it’s a world-wide decision. Read More
What do you need to know to prepare yourself to be a landlord? These are the things you need to think about to make sure you are cut out for rental properties. Read More
We are all so busy. But are we working on the right stuff? Issues, problems come at us hard and fast but are we focused on the key agenda items. The stuff that will move the needle. We need to be clear on the key questions that we need to answer. Read More
Getting downsized is not an enjoyable experience. And, if you don't find a job fairly fast (or a way to go into a business of your own), the days are very long, as you'll see in this franchise video. Read More

7 Tips for Your Business Sign or Lawn Sign

7 Tips for Your Business Sign or Lawn Sign - Avatar Posted by argentisgroup under Marketing
From 4173 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on January 31, 2013 5:40 pm
Here are 7 tips that you need to include on your business signs or your lawn signs so that you can increase your likelihood of generating sales leads. Read More
Having a Call To Action on your marketing material, you will help you increase sales leads and sales. Learn about using a Call to Action in this video. Read More
Are you tired of always getting the same results that you don’t want anymore? If yes, change your actions to create different results. Find out how… Read More
There are techniques, which can be used to increase the traffic on these interfaces, and these are as follows:- Read More

How Do Employees Steal Time

How Do Employees Steal Time - Avatar Posted by mtosysjewel under News
From 4173 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on January 31, 2013 8:47 pm
Time theft. Widely studied the Achilles heel of employee creativity and benefit maximization, it siphons billions of dollars a year from businesses all over the U.S. Whether it’s playing games like Sudoku during working hours, checking a Facebook account, taking a longer than normal lunch break or Read More

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