Sundaydriver voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Implementing a successful social media advertising program is an art form. There are many opportunities for success and failure, which is why it’s Read More
When you have been on the startup firing line, you quickly learn that any insight from experts and entrepreneurs who have been there before you can make the difference between failure and success. Yet, many new entrepreneurs brazenly assume they are bulletproof, and march blindly into the fray. The Read More
“For Martha Stewart’s New Fans, Tattoos Meet Appliqué,” a recent article in The New York Times, reported that a number of edgy young artistic types have recently discovered Martha Stewart. They are looking at her and what she sells though a new lens, and liking what they see.
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Research shows that networking can increase your sales significantly. In a recent study of over 12,000 professionals around the world, those that spent over six hours a week networking could count on nearly half of all sales coming through referrals.
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Learning to communicate to a global audience is one key to success in international markets. Sometimes it can be the greatest challenge. Here some members of the BizSugar community talk about the difficulties involved. Read More
During the global recession jobs are disappearing fast. Is this the right time for you to start a new company? Here are a few considerations to make first. Read More
Someday, I’d like to write an ebook about my freelancing exploits. But, until I make the time, I’ll be pointing interested readers toward resources from others. One of those great resources is The Freelance Blog Writer Side Hustle. Read More
Moving into your first "official" space can be an exciting time for a small business startup, but don't let the excitement cloud your judgement. Remember - it's a negotiation. Guest poster Clare Moorhouse offers some great tips on negotiating your first space. Read More
Small companies realize they are ever more vulnerable to security breaches, but few of them fully appreciate the ramifications of an IT infrastructure break-in. Or even something far more likely such as a stolen credit card number.

That's just one of the high-level takeaways from the new State o Read More
Niche blogs are topic specific blogs which can attract more targeted traffic compared to a general blog. Find out the importance of niche blogging and the list of niche topics that pay high [...] Read More

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