Trivedirock91 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you’ve recently started a business, you might be wondering, “Can I afford to hire more employees?” Running the numbers can help you determine if the time is right to hire. Read More

How Startups Use Alexa to Run Their Offices

 How Startups Use Alexa to Run Their Offices - Avatar Posted by joannw2016 under Startups
From 2660 days ago
Made Hot by: trivedirock91 on March 27, 2017 6:56 am
The next assistant in many offices could be named Alexa or Cortana.

In 2016, Silicon Valley obsessed over how text-based bots in apps like Slack could make employees more efficient, turning complicated tasks or forms into conversational texts. Read More
I know, you want to cut out admin work. You want to cut out time wasted on bullshit that doesn’t directly impact traction.
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The important thing to remember about personas. Personas is a detail list of answered information that goes beyond the traditional demographics (sex, age, occupation, etc), geographic segmentation (location by city, state, and country), and psychographics (personality, values, attitudes, interest, Read More

How to Live Stream: The Complete Guide for Businesses

How to Live Stream: The Complete Guide for Businesses  - Avatar Posted by andriawhack under Strategy
From 2661 days ago
Made Hot by: kahlua16 on March 23, 2017 2:33 pm
Learn how to live stream for your brand and business - it's a great way to boost your exposure and audience engagement for relatively little effort. Read More
Freemium or premium, that is the question many entrepreneurs ask every day. Learn 3 main reasons why this might not be the right pricing and how to fix it.
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Looking for inspiration? 43 Founders reveal the growth hacking strategies they used to land their first paying customers, and gain traction in the market. Read More
Users of marketing automation software decrease customer acquisition cost at double the rate of competitors. Find the right tool for your business! Read More
Experts are saying SEO is everything.. and social media and social everything is all that is required for companies. It is not the case and many companies are still hiring for SEO due to its apparent usefulness. Especially since Google hired an SEO consultant to help with their business and created Read More

Gig Economy: Bad for Middle Class Losers?

Gig Economy: Bad for Middle Class Losers? - Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Human Resources
From 2665 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on March 21, 2017 10:43 am
The gig economy has been in full swing for several years now. Find out who benefits and who loses in the job market when nearly 50% prefer gigging for cash. Read More

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