Trivedirock91 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant and Ditch the Work You Hate

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant and Ditch the Work You Hate  - Avatar Posted by LashonMcclure under Startups
From 2678 days ago
Made Hot by: IamVira on March 10, 2017 6:57 am
Virtual assistants are fantastic low-cost solutions for taking care of the work you can’t automate. By handing off your easier tasks you can focus on what matters, like the direction of your website or the next feature for your app.
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Many marketing blogs advise you to write long form content to get more social shares and SEO traffic. However, this article explains why long isn't necessarily better. Read More
Why learn how to write an article?

The demand for articles has never been higher. The internet is replacing print media and has created an insatiable appetite for them.
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Generate +1000 leads by following these ebook tips. Check out this simple, effective ebook strategy for marketers. Read More
Spend thousands on an app or much less on building a website? The latter option can not only be much less expensive, but produce better results. Here's how. Read More

A Definitive Guide to Creating a Personal Development Plan

A Definitive Guide to Creating a Personal Development Plan - Avatar Posted by sjeffrey under Self-Development
From 2680 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on March 9, 2017 6:46 pm
Most entrepreneurs understand the importance and value of personal development. But with busy schedules and endless distractions, we often fail to make meaningful progress. What's missing is a realistic, holistic plan that guides us toward our personal and professional vision. Read More
In absence of an effective management style, companies lack direction. Here are six universally accepted management styles used in business today. Read More
Trello’s Power-Up feature isn’t well known, yet. But it does have some potential to ease your workload if you know how to use it right. In this post I am having a closer look at some of the Power-Ups, and I show you a few ways how they could work for the projects you store or maintain in Trello. Read More
A Trello Power-Up is like an add-on inside Trello, that connects to another web application and helps you to save time by enhancing your workflow. In this article I am introducing the internal and 3rd-party Power-Ups that Trello offers to all its users now. Read More
7 free apps and tips are explained that will enable you to be such a productive blogger, you will be able to publish a blog post in less than 3 hours.
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