Tuckerleroy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Google panda update was the new development which role was to put a stop to any site which had poor and content of low quality. Read more . . . Read More
Social Media is seductive for startups because it can be done very cost effectively many times it can be done for FREE. The low cost is seductive, saving money Read More
Speeches. Depending on who you ask, from 18% to 'the majority' of sane and healthy people would chose dying over having to endure giving a speech in public. Read More
Need to improve fundraising? Here, we summarize the research to bring you a strategy that puts you on the path towards successful fundraising, along with the tools and resources to help you get each stage of that strategy right. Read More
Last week’s post was centered around really great business advice that worked for the entrepreneurs who shared their stories.

In contrast, this week I wanted to showcase the big lessons learned from bad business advice. My hope in sharing this information with you is that you might avoid going d Read More
With the fast and ever changing internet environment, anything and everything can be done and achieved online. Emails can be sent in an instant, pictures can be uploaded to sites, long lost friends can get in touch with each other, and even family members can reunite. Read More
Location, location, location. That’s the key to any successful real world business. Did you know that the internet is the same way? The internet also has good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods
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Depending on your type of business, most businesses usually have lots of operations. For some, handling all these operations effectively can become tiresome or almost impossible. And when your business does not run smoothly, it could lead to a decline in sales or patronage. This is where outsourcin Read More
We’re hearing a lot about mobile marketing these days, with the proliferation of smartphones and tablets. But while most of the talk is about consumers and their changing shopping habits, it’s equally important for BtoB marketers to realize their customers’ behavior is changing, too.
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What You Think Is The Most Important Element Of A Sales Page Or Squeeze Page?
I asked that question to lots of marketers and most of them gives me one word answer and the word is “CTA (Call to Action)”. Read More

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