Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As professional business people it is incumbent on us to understand what steps are involved in our customer buying process, what activities will take place in each step and who will be involved across the process.. Read More

Beware of False Marketing Communication Claims

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5220 days ago
Made Hot by: alinisrael on June 15, 2010 5:09 pm
Claims made in your marketing communication are important. However if there is not any substance behind the claim then it can damage your brand’s reputation and affect your customer relationships to say the least. Before you make claims especially the marketing claim of being Number 1, ask yourself these questions Read More
Outsourcing your non-core business activities to virtual assistants brings along the additional responsibility to ensure that you get the maximum out of this model. Though one of the key benefits of outsourcing is to stay away from all those time consuming and non-productive activities; you still need to ensure that the objectives are met. No, it’s certainly not hard to get the best out of your virtual assistants rather it’s easy if you follow these simple yet effective tips Read More
While browsing the web for small business ideas and tips, I discover a resource that is fascinating: The DaVinci Method that can better your as an entrepreneur Read More
A Strategic Marketing Plan acts as the foundation for your Marketing activities. A strong marketing plan lists out organizational goals, strategies, and marketing tactics Read More
Do you ever get stopped on the street by punters trying to tout something? I’m talking about those people who pounce on you offering a free drink in a bar, or desperately trying to get you to sign up to a charity where you pledge your firstborn son by mistake.. Read More
Small Businesses are the backbone and the driving force of the US Economy, collectively they create 2 out of every 3 jobs in the United States. Being a successful small business owner is not only about collecting a profit or outperforming your competition. It's about contributing to your countries continued growth and prosperity and securing your piece of the American Dream. But this dream cannot be attained or maintained if the resources and capital is not available Read More
As a marketer it is important to be a lifetime learner and keep up with all of the latest trends in the industry. Fortunately, the internet is filled with a plethora of resources focused on every topic imaginable (SEO, PPC, Social Media, PR, etc). However, the availability of all this information presents a challenge as there is only so much time in the day to sort through it all. To help make things easier, below is a list of the top marketing blogs to add to your reading list. Read More
In order to assess whether you are receiving value for your advertising dollar from a catalogue you must always prepare a profit and loss statement for each catalogue to determine its viability. This article shows you how to do that Read More
I've been spending much of my time lately on brand management, and it reminds me of what I've always disliked about marketing. Don't get me wrong: brand management is important, and failing to manage a brand appropriately can spell disaster. But how do you go about managing your brand effectively Read More

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