Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Take on Big Companies

Avatar Posted by benmaxmime under Success Stories
From http://ben-lang.com 5267 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on May 4, 2010 12:32 pm
As an entrepreneur, it can be very intimidating when you realize that you're competing against massive companies with years of successful history Read More

10 Reasons Not To Ignore Your Blog For Facebook

Avatar Posted by waltgoshert under Social Media
From http://smallbiztrends.com 5267 days ago
Made Hot by: dreamwithdeadline on April 29, 2010 4:36 pm
Brace yourself: Facebook is trying to take over the world. Or, if not the world, at least the entire Internet. Read More
A commenter to our workplace honoree video questions the ability of the company's younger employees to deliver excellent service. This post explains how the business, a moving and storage services fi Read More
That one step is building a business the delivers predictable results. Recent research showed there were 4 factors used to measure the value of a business. These were: Investing in R&D, investing in Read More
Why do people buy stuff? Take a minute and think about this question. Really think about it. Think about how you can put your business in front of more clients. Think about this question with these i Read More

Why I Use BizSugar.com

Avatar Posted by pathenry123 under Social Media
From http://smallbusinesscommunity.blogspot.com 5267 days ago
Made Hot by: BusyWoman on May 2, 2010 6:32 am
Over the weekend I was contacted by Shawn Hessinger, chief moderator and blogger for BizSugar.com. He had read a post of mine where I mentioned BizSugar.com as one of the social media tools I use re Read More
Do your or your company have a value proposition? Value= Benefits - Costs. How to create a value proposition and why it is important to have one. Read More
In response to a blog I wrote on disaster recovery (DR) planning recently, Una Coleman, a bloggertone colleague asked about practical steps a SME could take in relation to rolling out a DR solution. Read More

Students Addicted To Social Media Like Drugs

Avatar Posted by omgzam under Social Media
From http://omgzam.com 5267 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerden on April 29, 2010 3:36 am
A new study by University of Maryland shows that students are addicted to social media and even likening the issue with drug and alcohol addictions. And if they do not receive their daily dosage of s Read More
Don’t worry if you don’t understand what Cloud Computing is. You’re not meant to. By its nature a cloud of any type is something vague or ill-defined. Read More

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