Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You need client testimonials to help grow your business. Testimonials show potential clients that you know what you are doing. Find out how to get testimonials here Read More
“What companies do you think of when I say Excellent Customer Service”? People answered, LL Bean, Disney and Ritz Carlton. All 3 great answers but I wondered aloud why none of them mentioned their own companies?

If you focus just on the interaction of the sale, you will never focus on the experience the customer has around the sale. From the moment they contact your business and all through the process, there are things that you have to focus on or else they could derail that sale and customer retention .
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As blogs become an integral, indispensable part of a modern business, competitiveness and pressure to blog mount! A blog has become an added, highly-effective tool to win over the next client. But the pressures involved in blogging your business to success? "Oh my..." Read More
There’s a lot of buzz on the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so that your site or blog can be easily found through natural search but why exactly is this vital for marketers? The theory is that the higher a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors or traffic the site will receive; also known as giving the site a greater web presence. Read More

Healthcare Reform and Small Business

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From http://www.youtube.com 5264 days ago
Made Hot by: dreamwithdeadline on May 3, 2010 3:24 pm
Representatives from the U.S. Small Business Administration and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services discuss the realities of new health care reform and its impact on small business as well as answering some important questions from the public. As with the other video on health care, we'd like to invite some discussion from the BizSugar small business community. Please leave your comments below Read More

25 Ways Healthcare Reform Impacts Small Business

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From http://www.youtube.com 5264 days ago
Made Hot by: techfordummies on May 3, 2010 3:23 am
The National Federation of Independent Business has put together this video about concerns raised over the new healthcare reform legislation. The reform remains controversial with small business organizations who insist it will be costly and prevent both growth and creation of new jobs. However, supporters insist many small businesses will be exempt from the healthcare mandate and that it will eventually make healthcare less expensive for all business. What do you think. We'd love to hear from the community on this. Leave your comments below Read More
Every once in a while, franchise consultant Joel Libava a.k.a. The Franchise King is asked why he doesn't own a franchise of his own. Here's his answer (in video format). Franchising isn't for everyone. Want to start a small business? Figure out what it is you do best. Thanks, Joel! Inspiring message Read More
This Wall Street Journal story takes a look at a trend among franchise companies who are beginning to offer financing to franchisees when more traditional lenders decline. While the help is sometimes the only option for struggling franchise owners seeking to start or expand their business, the terms, according to WSJ, can be somewhat harsh Read More
This week's franchise business advice is for future and current franchise owners; Get with the program. Start getting active on social media. It's time consuming, for sure. But once you set up an account on places like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.. Read More
A fresh study conducted by Edison Research showed that despite the increment of Twitter awareness amongst Americans, only a minority uses it. 87% of Americans are aware of Twitter, which is higher than the population with access to the Internet; 85% of them, but only 7% of them are on Twitter, which are about 17 million people. Read More

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