Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It's no secret that more and more startups are turning to social media as a channel to spread their ideas or even utilize the social trend as the basis for their business entirely. Facebook's announcement a couple weeks ago about spreading Facebook across the web at the F8 Conference takes all of this to a whole new level. If you aren't up to speed on what happened there, you can check out some of the coverage on TechCrunch.

What's interesting about what Facebook is doing is not so much the "social plugins" they are making available to sites across the web, but the general concept that Facebook wants to "build a web where the default is social", as Zuckerberg commented Read More
Like a good B2B online marketing challenge? A massive contraction in online business buyers promises a highly competitive future. Here are the key implications for your B2B online marketing strategy Read More
This week BusinessWeek profiled the wellness practices of big companies including Whole Foods and Papa John's. But small businesses are doing great things in this area, too. This post highlights 16 health/wellness practices used by some of the most successful small firms in North America Read More
Blogging can be a great way to leverage social media to position yourself as an expert–the “go-to” resource whenever someone has a problem you can solve, but to blog effectively you should follow the best practices of business blogging Read More
As much as Facebook may not be kind to businesses, it's still a tremendously valuable business tool. After all, Facebook could eat the web. Read More
Be the subject matter expert by answering the questions of prospective customers on Q&A sites. Like many other SEO tactics, your main commitment for this activity is time. As you get used to the process you'll learn where and when to focus your efforts to maximize the return Read More
How moving your sales force to following a process and giving them access to technology will increase your sales a competitive advantage. Year over year performance in numerous KPI’s including revenue per account, average deal size, market size and more Read More
Management Training tips on how to make sure all employee processes are documented. This is one of the most common flaw businesses possess. Written by Glenn Pasch, President of Improved Performance Solutions Read More

The beauty of choice

Avatar Posted by Barneyausten under Management
From http://blog.myprojecttracker.com 5260 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on May 6, 2010 2:00 am
Often we can go a direct path to a goal or objective thinking we are doing the right thing. Sometimes it's better to sit back and look at alternatives first. Look at the choices - direct is not always best Read More

Is your Idea based on something original?

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Self-Development
From http://bloggertone.com 5260 days ago
Made Hot by: billrice on May 5, 2010 4:48 pm
We probably mostly agree that experience is based on the past, therefore when someone comes up with a new idea, if you strip it down, it will be based tightly or loosely on something already created Read More

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