Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Sales is a numbers game. The more you know about your key numbers, the better you can build a plan to succeed. Learn how to use key sales numbers to create a plan to succeed Read More
When a webpage is written with the consideration of target audience, it probably has more chance to have a higher conversion rate. Keeping your content short, informative and engaging is a way to impress your readers; it motivates them to keep visiting your site and buying from you again and again. Read More
It is important to do market research and conduct reasonable product testing before a full commercial launch. But when is the right time to do this for your business Read More

The Thin Line Between Editorial & Advertorial

Avatar Posted by omgzam under Marketing
From http://omgzam.com 5256 days ago
Made Hot by: ben.corporate@ILforums on May 11, 2010 8:40 am
In what is becoming an increasingly competitive business environment, advertisers are beginning to turn to an alternative approach to communicate their messages to their target audience. If the separation between blog posts’ editorial and advertising sides was once a gulf, it is now diminished to the size of a sidewalk crack. Read More
An Illustrator eps file is the gold standard for your logo files, but there are times you jpeg, gif or png files too Read More

Six Words That Will Save Your Job!

Avatar Posted by MrBigIdeas under Marketing
From http://rightideas-brightideas.blogspot.com 5256 days ago
Made Hot by: saraib820 on May 10, 2010 4:01 pm
Time is always a factor in business so speed becomes a competitive advantage. Are you and your company optimized for speed? Overcome the cost of missed opportunity by making “No one is waiting on me” a key strategy. Here’s how to make speed of response or delivery into a client benefit. Your job may depend on it Read More

Annual Blog Report VIII

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From http://egoist.blogspot.com 5256 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on May 10, 2010 4:17 am
I had planned to publish my annual blog report VIII on my 8th blogiversary on May 7, but it got stuck in the pipeline! ;) After eight years of blogging, I thought I could celebrate, so I went to 3 Små Rum (3 small rooms in Swedish) pub and had one bottle of Three Philosophers beer Read More
Last week while we were hard at work a Bugatti sold for $30 Million, a Picasso fetched $117 Million and the proud owner moved into his $1 Billion condo! So when pricing our business goods and services, do we market toward the "Average Joe" or the obscenely-rich? An offbeat look at the issue of setting biz prices Read More

How Effective Is Mobile Advertising?

Avatar Posted by omgzam under Advertising
From http://omgzam.com 5257 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on May 10, 2010 3:59 pm
By now, we all know that mobile web is the next biggest thing. Even a report from Morgan Stanley cemented the above theory by stating that the mobile web will supersede desktop Internet by 2015. Naturally with the rapid growth, mobile ads too will grow as well. But how effective are they? A recent article from eMarketer newsletter, tries to unravel the effectiveness of mobile advertising. Read More
Increasing your typing speed is one of the best practices for Time Management. It will help you to become more productive and you can save hell lot of time. I picked up 9 simple tips to increase and improve your typing speed.Recently I can to know about this report from a blog, “If a computer user double his typing speed, h Read More

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