Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Cultural fit is a critical success factor to company success. Whether it applies to a new employee or a strategic partner, if the fit isn't right, there will be problems that will cost the company money Read More
Too often we think we must improve in a dramatic fashion. All it really takes is consistent, small, incremental improvements in your new, developing business. Try to do one thing better each day Read More
Social media marketing strategy is easy to understand when explained by Jay Baer of Convince And Convert Read More
A business strategic advisor suggests that it's best to not tear communication silos down, but to work around them. This post argues that tearing them down is better in the long run, especially for the smallest employers Read More
Fame can happen to anyone -- actors, musicians, politicians, corporate CEOs and even the mom next door (with the right reality show to help). But is fame all it's cracked up to be? The late Beatles member George Harrison once said that he always wanted to be successful without being famous. What a telling statement Read More
So many people are seeking the legendary place called work-life balance. Bad news: there's no such thing. What you want to find is harmony in the different areas of your life Read More
Entrepreneurs, as a group, want to architect & control their own destinies. They are inspired to launch their own ventures & exploit high-potential, business opportunities Read More
Where did it all go wrong? The project is a mutated mess and the opportunity is lost. That's Scope Creep the #1 reason projects, initiatives, marketing & events don't meet expectations and objectives. Here's why scope creep happens, how to prevent it and get the results you need. Change management plus Read More
Entrepreneurs, by their very nature, are usually very skilled at figuring out how to create opportunities out of even the most dire of circumstances.  They regard health care reform no differently. Read this to learn who will ultimately end up paying for it Read More
Okay, you’re thinking that hey, Facebook is one of those “social” sites, right? So who’s worried about privacy when you “choose” to be social online, eh?

Sigh….there are some MAJOR concerns that are apparently coming more to the forefront for us canucks and here’s the Canadian skinny on same!
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