Zolachupik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Being an essential aspect of any company, marketing plays a vital role to increase profitability. In the same way, content marketing is the prerequisite in practicing any of the SEO techniques for a website. Read More
It’s a great time to be a female entrepreneur. There are plenty of trailblazers making their mark on a variety of different industries. If you’re looking for some inspiration or any female entrepreneurs to look up to, take a look at these successful women entrepreneurs. Read More
Most clients are naturally nervous at the beginning of a project so nurturing the relationship from the outset can go a long way.
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In this article, we’re going to break down the best video conferencing tools on the market and give you the information necessary for you to pick one which suits your business. Read More
It becomes essential for business owners to be aware of SEO and how it can benefit their business. If you are just getting started in the world of SEO, then you have come to the right place. This blog post will explain SEO and why it is important as well as reveal the main reasons why you should in Read More
Does your company sell products online? If so, you should be on Google Shopping. This post will cover the basics as well as a few advanced tricks to help you master Google Shopping and Product Listing Ads (PLAs). Read More
In this episode, Robert and I explore Snapchat’s financials and suggest the priorities Snap should focus on to stay in the game. We also discuss content marketing’s future as an intrinsic marketing function that’s indistinguishable from the whole. Rants and raves include Wendy’s chicken nuggets and Read More
Do you use Facebook ads?

Want to make them more effective?

To explore how to create a successful Facebook ads strategy, I interview Nicholas Kusmich. Read More
Wherever you are on your IT career path, it pays to find an experienced advisor who can guide you through pitfalls and shortcuts, both within your company and in the broader industry. But you need to find the right person and avoid jumping into an alliance with the wrong one.
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This week's Five for Friday is all about onboarding correctly to get new employees off on the right foot. Read More

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