Would you know when it's time to walk away

Avatar Posted by ZaneSafrit under Management
From http://zanesafrit.typepad.com 5484 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 22, 2009 2:49 pm
As a small business entrepreneur, would you know when it's time for you to let go and walk away? Read More

Small Business: 4 Ways to Create Your Future

Avatar Posted by ZaneSafrit under Strategy
From http://zanesafrit.typepad.com 5484 days ago
Made Hot by: biancaaquino on July 22, 2009 2:47 pm
Jeffrey Summers, CEO and founder of Restaurant Coaching Solutions, shared these 4 ways a small business can create their future. Jeffrey should know. His business, Restaurant Coaching Solutions, has turned good restaurants into great businesses for 27 years. Read More

Should You Pursue One or More Businesses?

Avatar Posted by andynew under Strategy
From http://www.smallbusinessboomers.com 5485 days ago
Made Hot by: marciabiz on July 21, 2009 3:26 pm
In the course of developing a small or home business, many opportunities may come about. They're not necessarily all at the same time. Read More
“I'm starting an online business — where do I start?”. It's broad question, but is one that comes up repeatedly on small business forums and discussion boards. Of course, an online business is merely a vehicle for the product or service you are selling. So starting a Web-based business — and making it a success — will take more than just “getting Read More

37 Pithy Insights From Street-Smart Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Management
From http://onstartups.com 5485 days ago
Made Hot by: DebMark on July 20, 2009 8:57 pm
Blog reader insights captured from comments and compiled into one great list. Read More

Business Proposals that Sell

Avatar Posted by aliciatrinidad under Strategy
From http://partners.blackenterprise.com 5488 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 17, 2009 2:11 pm
Watch this video from Lincoln Small Business University on tips about creating business proposals that sell. Read More

6 Tips for Better Branding Using Avatars

Avatar Posted by andynew under Strategy
From http://webworkerdaily.com 5489 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 17, 2009 2:06 pm
We're living in a social media world, and, like it or not, our avatar is often the first impression others get about us as we interact virtually on social networks, blogs, microblogs and other online communities. Our avatars are a representation of our brands — our personal brand or our company's or organization's brand. But how many of us are thi Read More

The Great Wall Of Google - A Short Essay On Communication

Avatar Posted by kimmendrez under Strategy
From http://www.solaswebdesign.net 5489 days ago
Made Hot by: Peri on July 16, 2009 2:40 pm
China started building its Great Wall in the 5th century to keep out its enemies. In the 21st century, the unwelcome party being kept out by the great wall Google has built around their company is you, the local business owner. Read More

5 Techniques For Dealing With Negative People

Avatar Posted by roseanderson under Strategy
From http://smallbusinesswebology.com 5491 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on July 14, 2009 4:15 pm
No matter what type of job we do or where we work, we all come in contact with negative, difficult people at some point. Our basic instinct tells us to fight back, defend ourselves, and react to their negativity with negative remarks of our own. However, we are human beings with the ability to control our responses. Read More

Curiosity, Imagination And Failure: The New Big Three

Avatar Posted by andynew under Strategy
From http://blogs.openforum.com 5492 days ago
Made Hot by: aliciatrinidad on July 13, 2009 4:54 pm
In with the new; out with the old. There's a new Big Three driving our economy now. They are Curiosity, Imagination and Failure. Read More

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