Why Is Simple So Hard :: Duct Tape Marketing

Avatar Posted by ducttape under Social Media
From http://www.ducttapemarketing.com 5107 days ago
Made Hot by: marciabiz on August 8, 2010 9:07 pm
The other I posed this somewhat trick laden question on Twitter – “Is making something easier to understand dumbing it down or smartening it up?” The answers I got were mixed. Some obviously saw that I was suggesting it’s actually harder to make some easy to understand. Others clearly felt that it somewhat of a disservice to try to make things that were complicated seem simple Read More

Using Social Media To Give Credit To Your People

Avatar Posted by JasonKienbaum under Social Media
From http://businessdonenow.com 5106 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on August 7, 2010 2:18 pm
As a small business owner we love to give credit to our people when it is deserved and there are a number of ways that can be done: Through the handwritten note, pay increase or a steak dinner. You pick, but can we do something more for the superstars on our company team? A lot of big companies like to use offline media publicity to reward their people for good work. For example, ESPN did a commercial congratulating Chris Bermen on his last award. Now why can’t we do something similar to showcase the hard work of our employees? Well most of us probably can’t do something similar to a TV commercial that ESPN did for Chris Berman, but we could use social media to showcase our people Read More

How Social Is Your Small Business?

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Social Media
From http://www.bizsugar.com 5106 days ago
Made Hot by: ShoshFromJobShuk on August 5, 2010 4:30 pm
Listen to the BizSugar interview with Anita Campbell and yours truly at Small Business Trends Radio and check out this post on the importance of businesses being social, something near and dear to our hearts here at BizSugar.com. We'll be switching the link at the top of the blog post to the archived version of the show after the live Web cast. Looking forward to all of your comments Read More

6 Ways To Waste Your Time on Social Media

Avatar Posted by kurbain under Social Media
From http://www.xspond.com 5110 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on August 3, 2010 7:13 pm
Social Media Marketing is a helpful tool, but you have to be careful not to waste time on unnecessary and even harmful actions in your quest to make the most of this new tool. Here are six big time-wasters to be aware of Read More
BizSugar member Yonatan Maisel specially requested the adding of this blog post with link to a podcast interview with Brad Nellis, executive director of the Northeast Ohio Software Association. Anita speaks about subjects including BizSugar, small business and social media more generally, in this wide ranging interview and the post includes some excerpts from that conversation. In May, the Northeast Ohio Software Association awarded BizSugar it’s Best of Tech Award for Best Social Networking App. For Yonatan and any other members out there who may be interested, I often include posts from the BizSugar blog where applicable here on BizSugar but not always. Of course submitting a favorite post from our blog, if it hasn't been submitted already, is easy simply by clicking the "Submit Story to BizSugar" button above each post: Read More
How important is sharing small business news with your network of connections and what are the best ways to go about it? (This applies to BizSugar members, of course, but also to anyone else who uses social media.) Sharing small business news or other information of value is a form of marketing whether you realize it or not. See also the video from Greg Fry of Bloggertone, whose posts appear regularly here on BizSugar.com in this latest edition from our BizSugar blog. Read More

Small Business News and Social Media

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Social Media
From http://blog.diyseo.com 5122 days ago
Made Hot by: profit613 on July 23, 2010 3:09 pm
This great infographic shares small business news about how social media is really being adopted by small business and even how much success small businesses report seeing after using the tools. As expected, the number of small to medium sized businesses using these services remains low, and so do the percentage of users who say use of the tools has resulted in increased sales. Though the jury is still out, there are businesses that have claimed substantial response to social media marketing, and it seems logical that number will continue to grow over time. Read More

8 Power Tools To Turn Your Blog Into A Profit Center

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From http://socialmouths.com 5119 days ago
Made Hot by: 9devon9 on July 23, 2010 8:53 am
Francisco Rosales shares eight power tools you could use if you want to turn your blog into a profit center. The total cost per month is under $100 Read More

10 Ways to Generate Leads With Social Media

Avatar Posted by kwameboame under Social Media
From http://sociatic.com 5120 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on July 22, 2010 4:07 am
How many leads do you generate every month with social media? If you’re not getting enough leads, today is your lucky day. After reading this article, you'll have 10 ideas .. Read More
Tips from bestselling author and social media coach Patrice-Anne Rutledge on how to get the most from your social media efforts without overwhelm. Read More

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