Hi, folks. Put this together as kind of a more in depth exploration of how you go about creating real community on BizSugar or any other social media site you might participate in whether large or small. Thankfully, there are many others among our regular users here at BizSugar who are equally adept at building community through social media so I thought it would be great if everyone could pitch in with some suggestions as I'm sure there are things that could be added here. Besides, getting others' input is what social media is all about, right? Thanks, in advance, for your contributions! You can comment here or on the blog post by following the link. Read More
Bit.ly is a great little tool for shortening long webiste addresses. The major benefit from using Bit.ly is the analytics package which shows you where your traffic is coming from as it relates to companies and also from what website sources Read More

How to Use Social Media to Market B2B or Niche Business

Avatar Posted by ajayjoya under Social Media
From http://website101.com 5139 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on July 2, 2010 4:27 pm
How to Use Social Media to Market B2B or Niche Business. Small Business are always the leaders in Social Media and corporate behemoths only notice and fall in line once they see the effectiveness of a local business engaging dynamically with their local audience Read More

Free Online Social Media Tools Your Business Needs

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Social Media
From http://www.noobpreneur.com 5144 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on June 30, 2010 4:24 pm
Social marketing strategies are important for every business. As an entrepreneur, you need to constantly evaluate what tools you’re using and how effective they really are for obtaining your goals. That includes your social media tools. You also should always be on the lookout for new tools that will make you more efficient Read More

Building Small Business With Twitter

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Social Media
From http://www.ecommerce-guide.com 5144 days ago
Made Hot by: SmallBusinessLoans on June 30, 2010 4:01 pm
Are you one ofthose small business owners who just can't see the value in Twitter? Does the idea of conversing with potential business partners, clients and customers by sharing informative content and retweeting the comments of others seem like a waste of valuable time? Hey, if you really want to understand the Twitterverse and how it can transform your business, read on. Read More
Twitter Contests, like a ReTweet Contest, are a great way to get more Twitter followers, and engage those who are already following your business on Twitter Read More

Custom Twitter Background Designs

Avatar Posted by CindyKing under Social Media
From http://cindyking.biz 5142 days ago
Made Hot by: jsternal on June 28, 2010 9:56 pm
Here's a look at the basics in using a custom Twitter background to engage your Twitter followers and brand your business. Read More

Integrate Social Media with Your e-Commerce Business

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Social Media
From http://zippycart.com 5144 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on June 28, 2010 8:00 pm
The trend toward integrating social media with e-Commerce is here. Both of these powerful tools will remain critical in shaping online business, probably for the foreseeable future. How are you integrating social media and e-Commerce? Read More
SEO and link building is tiresome. Embracing social media in your webpreneurial journey can get you far to achieve what's important beyond SEO and link building Read More
I'm sure you've heard this complaint before from many colleagues in small to medium sized business. But in all fairness, according to this post and the podcast accompanying it, the trouble with this common criticism is that it doesn't take into account the real use of social media or how it can best be used, Read More

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