Almost every entrepreneur looking for outside investors has heard the annoying rejection, “You are just too early – come back when you have more traction.” That should make you wonder - how do you measure traction in a metric? If it’s so important to investors, perhaps you should be using traction Read More
The copy on your SaaS startup’s landing page is one of the major factors that determines whether your product lives, or dies a horrible death. Unbounce cites headlines as the single most important element of a landing page, and that’s for good reason. Read More
There is a common belief in the angel and venture capital community that you put your money on the best team, rather than the best idea. Thus the top priority of every entrepreneur who wants funding should be to build and highlight their “dream team” of co-founders, executives and advisers, to attr Read More

5 Steps To Avoid Solutions Looking For A Problem

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3017 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on June 22, 2016 2:03 pm
Technical entrepreneurs love their technology, and often are driven to launch a startup on the assumption that everyone will buy any solution which highlights this technology. Instead, they need to validate a customer problem and real market need first. Don’t create solutions looking for a problem, Read More

Do culture and geographic location dictate business success?

Avatar Posted by MashaKaran under Startups
From 3018 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on June 21, 2016 1:31 pm
A recent article published in Forbes discusses millennial entrepreneurs and where in the world they are most prevalent based on a study by HSBC Private Bank.

It raises some interesting ideas.

Does culture correlate to entrepreneurial trends?

Does the place where you are born in dictate how Read More
It seems like every entrepreneur I meet these days is quick to proclaim themselves a visionary, expecting that will give more credibility to their startup idea, and improve their odds with investors. In reality, I’m one of the majority of investors who believe that startup success is more about the Read More

7 Ways to Keep Your Customers Begging for More

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3019 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on June 20, 2016 12:25 pm
For too many small businesses, customer service is still seen as a “burden.” Entrepreneurs don’t realize that this burden is actually costing them over $200 billion in repeat sales, according to a recent study by the W. P. Carey School of Business. The report also indicates that customer problem ex Read More
Too many entrepreneurs still believe that “if we build it, they will come.” With today’s overload of information from digital as well as conventional sources, even the best new solutions and services won’t get traction without real marketing. Digital marketing is the cost-effective place to start, Read More
Boostrapping builds character. There are endless ways to finance your ideas, but there’s nothing like marketing a startup with a modest budget to encourage innovation. Limited funds give you an excuse to flex your creative muscle and truly share your vision with the world.

Don't rely on the sam Read More
It’s very fashionable these days to declare yourself a social entrepreneur, working for the good of society, the environment and a better life. Most social entrepreneurs don’t like to talk about making money, but often they still ask for help finding investors. As an adviser, I have to tell them th Read More

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