It’s still popular these days for startup founders to operate in stealth mode, meaning no details about the idea or progress are shared with anyone until the big reveal and rollout. The common reason given is that this prevents any competitor from stealing their idea and beating them to market. In Read More

Four Old School Business Tools That Will Never Go Out of Style

Avatar Posted by Nellie Akalp under Startups
From 3085 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on April 15, 2016 12:50 pm
Nellie Akalp shares four old-school business tools that will never go out of style - including her favorites - sticky notes! Read More
"If your goal is to build your blog, monetize it, and live a lifestyle of complete freedom — one that doesn’t require you to be glued to your laptop 24 hours a day — you will, at some point, have to outsource a portion of your work.

But there are a number of risks and pitfalls to consider." Read More
Entrepreneurs – no matter if they are first-time entrepreneurs or experienced ones – make mistakes. That’s the nature of business. However…

However… there are some mistakes that first-time entrepreneurs make really, really often.

Mistakes, which can be prevented. This article is exactly about Read More
More than half of all digital media is now consumed on a mobile device; is your business ready? Read More
A survey of small business owners by Sage, a business management software company, regarding the 2016 election, revealed that a significant disconnect exists between the priorities and policy initiatives that small businesses want the federal government to focus on and what they perceive government Read More

3 Reasons to Start Using Snapchat to Grow Your Business in 2016

Avatar Posted by kimonos under Startups
From 3089 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on April 10, 2016 1:43 pm
It took me a while to be convinced that Snapchat was going to be worthwhile for me to invest time into, from a business perspective. Read More

How to Get Started With Startup Marketing

Avatar Posted by mapleleafmark under Startups
From 3091 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on April 9, 2016 11:02 pm
For many startups, marketing can be daunting given the number of options. The reality, however, is marketing is a critical ingredient in the growth of a business. Here's a seven-step "framework" for startups to get going with marketing. Read More

Too Many Bells and Whistles Will Not Sell a Product

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3088 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on April 9, 2016 8:39 pm
Technical entrepreneurs love to compare the number of features in their product to competitors, and they love to keep adding features -- just because they can. Unfortunately, this approach often turns off mainstream customers, who find the result hard to use. Even worse, this “feature creep” often Read More
Every entrepreneur I know has their favorite excuse for a previous failure – an investor backed out, the economy took a downturn, or a supplier delivered bad quality. These things outside your control do happen, but based on my years of experience as a startup advisor and angel investor, I still se Read More

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