7 Pros and Cons of Entrepreneurship - SmallBizClub

Avatar Posted by TaylorBPT under Startups
From http://smallbizclub.com 3469 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on March 28, 2015 2:00 pm
It's a dream of so many individuals to one day have their own company. In America, entrepreneurship is often viewed as a primary barometer of success. Before making a substantial financial and emotional investment, it is extremely important for the would-be entrepreneur to take stock of the possibl Read More

Is Your Advisor a Critic Posing as a Mentor?

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3472 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on March 27, 2015 9:09 am
Every startup needs a couple of advisors with deep experience and connections in your business domain or financial skills to complement your technical focus. Advisors need to be mentors, looking ahead and directing you on key actions to take or avoid. Unfortunately, many prefer the role of critic, Read More

Brand Name Legal Questions to Ask Before Picking One

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Startups
From http://smallbiztrends.com 3472 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on March 27, 2015 9:08 am
If you’re starting a small business or developing a new product, you need to give it a name.
That name will become your brand name and it has the potential to become very valuable. You need to make sure you pick something amazing.
However, picking an amazing brand name isn’t enough to position yo Read More
All shared business ideas eventually reach a critical decision point – if the company makes money, who gets what? Deciding who gets how much, and why, at the very beginning of your venture will save you an enormous headache later on. Read More
Forget about trying to write your business plan from scratch. Ask anyone who has tried to write their business plan without assistance, and they will be sure to admit how grueling the process can be. Either they can hire a professional consultant, or subscribe to business plan software. Read More
Every startup fears that one angry and unfair customer who can jeopardize the business by a negative post on Ripoff Report, Yelp, or one of the hundreds of other consumer complaint and review sites on the Internet. Most entrepreneurs don’t even know how to keep track of what people are saying about Read More

8 Signs Of Change That Good Entrepreneurs See First

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3477 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on March 23, 2015 8:55 am
When the economy tanks as it did in the last recession, that’s a strong signal that things have to change, and it’s hard to miss. But most of us in business have to deal most of the time with weak signals, or change that is happening in a far more subtle way. These changes can be cultural, like the Read More

Will Your Business Innovation Disrupt The Market?

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3475 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on March 22, 2015 3:58 pm
Every entrepreneur with a new technology tells me that his innovation will be industry-disrupting, meaning that it will render the existing technology obsolete, and create a new market. Yet truly disruptive innovations, like the smartphone from Apple and the rise of the Internet, are very rare, and Read More

How to Use Patreon to Start a Business from Home

Avatar Posted by PASAngelique under Startups
From http://articles.bplans.com 3475 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on March 22, 2015 3:14 pm
Anyone with the desire to create on a regular basis and to engage with those that support their creations is likely to find this platform a gem. If you have a hobby or skill that you believe others will pay you to pursue—singing, writing, drawing, acting—Patreon is the place to be.
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Know the Net - and See your Business Soar

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Startups
From http://www.onsmb.com 3477 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on March 22, 2015 4:54 am
With a bit of entrepreneurial sense and a great website, you can mould your tiny site into a high-flyer - in your own way. Read More

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