How Should Startup Founders Split Equity?

Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Startups
From 3492 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on March 8, 2015 4:16 pm
As you put together your team for building your business, it can be a bit of an awkward conversation to sit down and start doling out ownership of a company that doesn't exist yet, especially if you have personal relationships with the people you're founding with, but it's vitally important that yo Read More

4 Tips before Venturing Your Business to Outsourcing

Avatar Posted by alleliaspili under Startups
From 3490 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on March 6, 2015 3:33 pm
It is true that outsourcing is a good strategy for business aiming to lessen their costs. However, there are many things to be considered before putting yourself in it. Take time to weigh your options and follow these tips to help you succeed in creating an enhanced business through outsourcing. Read More

Power to the People: How to Create a Profitable Social Enterprise

Avatar Posted by PASAngelique under Startups
From 3493 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on March 6, 2015 10:49 am
"Social enterprises are an innovative way for entrepreneurs to build their own business and make a change in society, too." Read More
Every new business quickly realizes that revenue coming in every period on a committed basis is the Holy Grail to survival and growth. According to many experts, getting new customers is five to ten times harder than getting additional revenue from existing customers. Thus the subscription model (l Read More

Calling all startups: content marketing research

Avatar Posted by wpcurve under Startups
From 3493 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on March 4, 2015 2:47 am
Last week we issued a challenge in our Facebook group Content Machine on data driven marketing.

The research we are doing for the challenge is an examination of the content marketing practices of startups. Read More
If you think that financial modeling for a new business is arcane magic, limited in value to financial wizards and professional investors, then you have been listening to the wrong advisors. In reality, a simple Excel spreadsheet model customized around your assumptions can save you hours and avoid Read More
One of the most common complaints I hear from entrepreneurs is that they are overwhelmed by the workload and stress of starting their company. Then there are the additional challenges of balancing the demands of family and friends. Having too much on your plate can turn your dream into a nightmare. Read More
Choosing the best payment provider is crucial for your online business. That’s the partner thanks to whom you will be able to earn money.

On the market you can find lots of payment providers whose services look similar. But similar doesn’t mean exactly the same. Read More

Tax and Accounting Tips for Small Business Mompreneurs

Avatar Posted by Keiannarae under Startups
From 3498 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on March 1, 2015 3:14 am
As we enter the 2014 tax filing season here are some pointers small business Mompreneurs can use to help you complete the 2014 tax returns and better organize your accounting for 2015. Read More
Why do a few entrepreneurs, like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, seem to come up with all the real innovations, while the majority of business leaders seem stuck in the rut of linear thinking? I have always wondered if innovation required some rare gene mutation, or whether I might be missing a simple fo Read More

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