When Does An Entrepreneur Become A Business Owner?

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3482 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on March 17, 2015 8:55 am
According to most definitions, an entrepreneur is one who envisions a new and different business, meaning one that is not a copy of an existing business model. Many entrepreneurs have a passion and an idea, or even invent a new product, but are never able to execute to the point of creating a start Read More
“Scope creep” (or feature creep) is an insidious disease that kills more new business solutions than any other, especially high-tech ones, and yet most founders (who may be the cause) never even see it happening. This term refers to the penchant to add just one more feature to the product or servic Read More

10 Lessons Learned From Starting a Business on a Budget

Avatar Posted by Jed under Startups
From http://smallbiztrends.com 3482 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on March 16, 2015 2:55 pm
These small business owners experienced a 90 percent drop in revenue due to Google search algorithm changes, and were scrambling for new ways to make money online. Here are some of the lessons we learned along the way. Read More
While there are many brands that are inherently sexy wherein it’s easy to market the products and services being sold, most businesses don’t have the privilege of having sexy or riveting products to make marketing a cinch. But it doesn’t matter how snooze-worthy your products and services may be — Read More
Many people seem to have the sense that ethics are spiraling downward in business, and unfortunately most startup professionals and entrepreneurs I know don’t believe they can make a difference. They don’t realize that if they don’t take an active role in the solution, they really become part of th Read More

10 Effective Business Tools for Entrepreneurs 

Avatar Posted by ZoeSummers under Startups
From http://www.huffingtonpost.com 3486 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on March 12, 2015 1:11 am
I'm always intrigued to learn about new, accessible tools and applications that can help me to drive more sales, accelerate my business growth, or simply help me with gathering insights and new ways of doing things.... Read More
Every entrepreneur realizes that change is now the norm, and they have to adapt their business quickly to survive and prosper. In fact, the best entrepreneurs seem to see breakthrough changes coming even before they really happen, and are able to turn them into huge new opportunities. In the trade, Read More
Business planning really works, and Palo Alto Software COO Noah Parsons gives us the data to prove it: "Entrepreneurs who plan are 152% more likely to start their business.” See more here: bit.ly/194Ma8L Read More
One of the big questions that every entrepreneur struggles with is how much funding they should request from investors in the first round. They know from forums such as Shark Tank on TV that asking for either too much or too little will derail credibility in the eyes of the investor, and leave the Read More
In my years of mentoring entrepreneurs, a problem I have seen too often is low self-esteem, and over-compensating through arrogance and ego. These entrepreneurs find it hard to respect customers or team members, and their ventures usually fail. As a team member, low self-esteem leads to low confide Read More

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