Steal These 8 Donald Trump Ideas To Make It Big

Avatar Posted by YEVF under Startups
From 5795 days ago
Made Hot by: terry_culkin on September 16, 2008 12:36 am
Want to think big like Donald Trump? Here are the top 8 strategies that you need to steal from the Donald to think make it big. Read More

Do I need a separate business entity? If so, what kind?

Avatar Posted by mtaylor under Startups
From 5796 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 15, 2008 10:54 pm
BizBox's Michael Taylor discusses the importance of separate business entities, and the characteristics of LLCs vs. Corporations Read More

3 Startup Lessons I Know Now, But Wish I'd Known Then

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Startups
From 5796 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 15, 2008 3:20 pm
After you've been in business a few years you look back. Suddenly everything is so obvious. Too bad all those things that seem so clear now, were not so clear then, when you were living through the early years of your startup. Here are 3 lessons by Anita Campbell that could have saved her a lot of expense and time: Read More

Top 50 Colleges for Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by MattMcGee under Startups
From 5798 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 14, 2008 1:30 am
The Princeton Review and Entrepreneur magazine rank the best undergraduate and graduate programs for entrepreneurs. Read More

12 Positive Thoughts for those in trouble

Avatar Posted by Empica under Startups
From 5800 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 12, 2008 1:38 pm
What happens if your business strategy has not gone as planned and you need to make some hard decisions about where to go from here? Guy Kingston, presenter of the Mind Your Own Business podcast, gives some positive guidance on the next course of action. Read More

Why Small Business Owners Aren't Always Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by MattMcGee under Startups
From 5799 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 10, 2008 7:18 pm
Many people often use the terms “entrepreneur” and “small-business owner” interchangeably. But some entrepreneurship experts — like Bo Fishback, vice president of entrepreneurship at the Kauffman Foundation — argue that a distinction should be made. Read More

Cooperation versus competition

Avatar Posted by HeatherSmithAU under Startups
From 5801 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 9, 2008 7:56 pm
This story discusses the benefits of business cooperation. Your business competitor does not have to be your enemy. You can exchange clients, referrals, IP, and assistance during busy periods. Grow your business with your competitor. Even the CEO of COKE and Pepsi play golf together. Read More
Lance Morgan, founder of Texas-based Brilliant Magazine, talks about how he bootstrapped his magazine to success by pulling favors and finding creative ways to motivate talent. Read More

10 Paths to a Successful Start Up

Avatar Posted by Empica under Startups
From 5808 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 3, 2008 5:17 pm
Guy Kingston, successful entrepreneur and podcast presenter, gives his top suggestions on business start ups. Read More

100 Low Cost Business Ideas -

Avatar Posted by bizauthor under Startups
From 5824 days ago
Made Hot by: on August 19, 2008 1:28 am
Need help coming up with ideas to start a business? Here's our list of 100 low-cost business startup ideas. Enjoy! Read More

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