Every time I challenge a business plan with little or no budget for marketing, I get the answer that they will be using “viral” marketing, which costs nothing. The founder explains that the product or service is so “buzz-worthy” that the merits will spread rapidly through word-of-mouth only, meanin Read More
Smart potential customers only visit and buy from credible and memorable websites. In the past, if your startup had a website presence, the company was credible by definition. In today’s world, a website is necessary but not sufficient for credibility. Dreamers and gamblers have found out that if t Read More

6 Ways To Make You An Entrepreneur Before The Product

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From https://www.linkedin.com 1034 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on December 5, 2021 11:19 am
Many of the entrepreneurs I advise or invest with spend considerable time on the Internet, keeping up with technology, customers, and competitors, but very few feel the need for an early personal presence. In fact, some totally avoid it, assuming their product or solution will speak for itself late Read More
Within the startup realm, there is a big difference between having an innovative product versus an innovative business. Some startups have a new technology, but stick to a tried-and-true business model. Others take an existing product, and give it new life with a creative business model. The most c Read More
People who get stressed managing their own lives don’t make good entrepreneurs. Small businesses require multi-tasking, work prioritization, and decision-making, with no assistants or help from specialists. That’s why Fortune 500 executives usually don’t survive as startup CEOs. Read More
These days, if your startup does not have an Internet home base up and running, you are not ready for business or potential investors. Customers go there to check on the details of your offerings and verify that you are not a scam, investors look there to check out your management and sales approac Read More
Every business founder knows the need for a culture that promotes continuous innovation, an entrepreneurial spirit, and one that creates sustainable value across all functions in the business. Yet most don’t really know how to create that environment, or assess when they have achieved it. They only Read More
Do you want to know how to start a rental property business with no money or little money?

If you mean to get into the business of renting out property to a business, then you need to treat it like a business. As a landlord, you have your fair share of responsibilities, not just to your tenants Read More
Leverage CEO Nick Sonnenberg shares with us how his team kicked their operational efficiency into overdrive from start to finish. Read More
Many of the startup investors I know are disappointed that so few of the startup ideas they see are really innovative or disruptive. Most of us are incremental or linear thinkers, and we miss the really big opportunities, like the next smartphone or space travel. That ability to “see around the nex Read More

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