In finance, a bubble is too much money chasing assets, greater asset production and a herd mentality. In startup business plans, a bubble is too many entrepreneurs and too many investors chasing the latest “next big thing,” like Google search engine, Facebook social network, or Amazon e-commerce si Read More
I’m sure you have all been frustrated at least once by not being able to get the Internet domain name you want for your company. Who owns all of these names, and should you ever buy one for a premium? The simple answer is that if you want to be found on the Web, the perfect domain name can be well Read More
Online dating sites usually fail because online dating usually fails. The simple reason is that everyone expects quick results, no one can make that happen, and users get very unhappy very quickly. Even the main industry rag, Online Dating Magazine, admits that the success rate is a mere one percen Read More
Probably every one of you who has a business and a website have been approached through email or personal contact, and asked to spend money on paid search results (appear on the first page of search results, despite low SEO rank). What most people don’t realize is, according to recent statistics, d Read More
In case you hadn’t noticed, the key elements of a competitive advantage for your business have changed as businesses move online, and your domain is instantly global. The old approaches of controlling distribution channels, saturating retail, and methodically scaling your brand awareness don’t prot Read More
Are you planning to launch your new startup from home? This article features some of the best ways to take action and launch a home-based business with ease... Read More

Americans Plan to Spend $747 on Average to Return to Work

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Startups
From 1215 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on June 5, 2021 1:24 pm
The US workforce is planning on spending an average $747 on work-related items as they return to the office.
This statistic involving the spending habits of workers as physical workspaces reopen across the US, was unveiled by online lending marketplace, LendingTree.
LendingTree’s Post-Pandemic Sp Read More
An underutilized, but valuable resource, every startup should investigate is a formal or informal connection to your alma mater, including any local university. These resources are definitely not limited to students, since every university seeks out and needs the real world exposure and experience Read More
As an advisor to new businesses, I’m a strong believer that no one succeeds alone in business. Yet I find that many entrepreneurs struggle and fail with that transition from personally developing an innovative new idea, to building all the relationships necessary to transform their idea into a succ Read More
Most entrepreneurs expect to face the “normal” challenges of starting a business, which include finding the right opportunity, building and executing a winning plan, and financing their venture. But many forget the pitfalls associated with traditional business jobs which can apply even to the smart Read More

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