Wanting to start a business of your own very soon but still don’t know how to go about it? Looking for some inspirational advice from your seniors? If the answer is yes, then this post will help you.

Today we are going to enlist some of the best business coaches of the world who will not just mo Read More
A traditional business’ purpose is to achieve financial growth and maximize revenue. A lifestyle business, however, prioritizes personal growth, maximizes freedom and increases financial self-reliance.
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Angel investors and venture capitalists are looking for startups with real products and a proven business model, ready to scale. Yet I still get too many business plans that clearly are looking for money to do research and development (R&D) on a new and unproven technology. If you need funding for Read More

7 Top Small Business Ideas for 2021

Avatar Posted by previsomedia under Startups
From http://www.smbceo.com 1348 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on January 24, 2021 9:51 am
In this post, you wills find some of the top small business ideas that have the potential to thrive in 2021. Read More
A common challenge faced by every entrepreneur is that they don’t have the bandwidth, interest or skills to do everything that is required to build their startup. Of course, they can outsource part of the work or hire employees, but that approach means more time and money to manage the work, which Read More
Almost 20 years ago, Scott Jordan wanted to solve a very common problem; he needed a way to carry and organize all my gadgets and gear without a “man-purse.” Now with the inspiration from his loyal customers, Scott created SCOTTeVEST as the world’s best travel and first digitally native clothing co Read More
As a business adviser, I often see entrepreneurs practicing what Tom Peters calls the “ready-fire-aim” go-to-market strategy to their detriment. Yet even I have been known to recommend that approach, in cases where you have a highly innovative product, speed is of the essence, and no clear existing Read More
In the last few years I have seen a popular business model emerging which embodies a greater focus on social and environmental responsibility, and a new requirement for trust and sharing, as well as customer and community collaboration. Companies like Airbnb, Uber, Zappos, and Whole Foods are setti Read More
Many first-time entrepreneurs find themselves unable to bootstrap their startups, and also unable to find early funding at the venture capital level or even with angel investors. Their only recourse is that first tier of investors, fondly called Friends, Family and Fools. These are the only people Read More
Every new business I know dreams of building momentum in their business, where growth continues to increase, customers become your best advocates, and employee motivation is high. The most common approach I see to achieving this is to do more of everything for everyone. Unfortunately, with limited Read More

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