Facebook is the number 1 social media site, businesses have taken advantage of its popularity and have used it as a advertising platform. In this article are outlined tips on how to properly create a Facebook ad campaign. Read More
About ten years ago I wrote an article called “15 Ways to
Advertise for Free.” At that time the advertising methods
detailed in the article were very popular and quite effective. But
because of the ever-changing internet and evolving technology, I
thought it would be interesting to revisi Read More
Engaging content is where things start, not contact us. So, if you think a great offer is all your prospect needs to buy, you might be a Bowhm – and a large percentage of your traffic is not being cultivated to produce future buyers.
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The Advertising world is composed of many outlets and modes of expression. Over the years, video has been crawling to the top of the success pyramid in ways to market a brand. The common benefits of video advertising include better customer engagement, brand awareness, SEO, conversion and more. In Read More
Muttbombing: Photobombing has gone to the dogs...

How guerrilla marketing can help you grow your business.

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Pay per click advertising is a cost effective way to attract new customers for small business. use these tips to create and launch powerful ppc advertising Read More
The future of Internet traffic is changing. "We've been hearing big predictions about the impact of online video for years, and a new report from Cisco is the latest to speculate about our internet consumption and explosion of video content."

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How can six-second videos change your life? For many people it already has. Vine isn’t only a platform to be discovered by record labels, corporations can also use it for marketing campaigns. Rocketmiles, a site that rewards hotel bookings with airline miles, have used Vine as a means to campaign t Read More
What was your favorite video shared this month? This article exposes the Top 20 Most Shared Online Video Ads for May 2014. Read More
Now think about your own social media page, away from the company. Are you following any companies that you like? What do you enjoy seeing from them, and what else would you like to see? Read More

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