Xcel media group providing how can you make your automotive direct mail really pop? Well, first you need to consider your target customer. That’s where a marketing company like Xcel can really do you great service Read More
As a content producer for E-Marketing Associates, I have the opportunity to stay at our client hotels and write about my experiences. This is a component of our new RevBooster product for independent hotels. While this is an optional component, I think it is essential for content producers or copy Read More
It is clear that President Barack Obama won reelection in the 2012 race for U.S. President because he was able to secure votes from a more diverse demographic of voters than his competitor Mitt Romney.

How small businesses can learn from micro-targeting techniques used by the Obama campaign to Read More
Direct marketing as a part of a marketing strategy offers a lot of cost saving opportunities and other benefits if used right. Here are some direct marketing tips that will help you utilize the power of this marketing medium and engage your customers even further. Read More
Email and social media cannot be your only marketing campaign strategies. In this digital world, sometimes investing in an old school direct mail campaign is your best choice to cut through the digital clutter.

Here are some strategies to help make direct mail marketing campaigns a more cost-eff Read More
Cart abandonment emails are effective. Case studies have proven that setting up a simple cart abandonment email can convert sales that would otherwise be lost at a rate of between 10-30%. Read More
Text message marketing has become a popular option due to the sheer number of cellphone users. While this may be a great way to connect with customers, there are a few things businesses need to keep in mind. Read More
Do you want to get more subscribers, build a bigger list, make more sales, make more money, drive a better car, have a better home, live a better life, donate to charities, travel, make a difference? Well, if I know you good then the answer is hell yeah I want it. Read More
With the wave of social media seeping into our lives, it’s normal to think ‘out with the old and in with the new’.  That is, new ways to advertise our business, news ways to engage with prospect clients and new ways to demonstrate our products or services to our clients.  Yet, there are a number… Read More
As a small business owner, you likely spend countless hours and energy crafting just the right marketing message for your product or business. But if you are not paying attention to the nuances of the piece and your intended audience, all your efforts will go to waste. How can you assure that won’t Read More

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