Many marketers are so focused on growing their lead sources, including live voice leads, that they sometimes don’t place enough emphasis on the next (and most crucial) step – turning a lead into an actual sale, while delivering maximum customer satisfaction and maintaining the highest conversion ra Read More
Marketing is inarguably one of the most crucial parts of every business. It could come in the form of media advertisements, word of mouth information dissemination, gigantic billboard, events, stickers fliers and sales promos, among others. Without people knowing about a company's product or servic Read More
How independent reps can maximize their efforts by tracking these 3 simple metrics - an article by NetSteps.
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Even with the growing popularity of social media, e-mail marketing is still one of the best ways to reach your customers. Just about everyone has e-mail address, and they’re likely to pay more attention to their inbox than they are to the thousands of messages that come across social media feeds e Read More
An enterprise contact center could easily handle millions of customer service and sales calls in any given year – either in-house or at their outsourced BPO provider. Assuming that the average handling cost per call is around $4, an enterprise could easily spend tens of millions of dollars each yea Read More
Management of the firm always focuses on different methods to increase sales of their product(s) which would eventually increase sales revenue. For many firms, increase sales means to bring new customers towards their product which is an old method now. The firms should be focusing how to sell thei Read More
This is a great post with examples of how you can use local events to get cheap advertising that can drive traffic and sales. Read More
Secrets are lessons, tips, advices and strategies which have been hidden from you either by someone you know or by a stranger.
Secrets actually are no big deal. They’re simply what you don’t know. Most ideas we call secrets are so common, but since you don’t know it, you won’t take advantage of th Read More
In this post, I answer two of my reader's top e-mail marketing questions. Read More
You’ve made the decision to go for it and reach out to the press for a magazine feature.

You’ve broken your goal down and you know the exact steps you need to take to make this dream of your’s a reality.

One of those steps just so happens to be creating a press kit. Read More

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