The ongoing technology evolution has hastened the necessity for more skilled IT professionals. The sector's rapid progress has been astounding. By tracing the past, we can see how it has molded the modern professional. Read More
While compensation may still be a prime motivator in the workplace, many leading behavioral experts say more and more people are seeking less tangible things. But what are they? Read More
On January 8, 2015, The House of Representatives passed a bill, 252-172, approving legislation that would define a full-time worker as one who works 40 hours per week. Currently, the PPACA defines a full-time employee as one who works 30 hours a week. Read More
The adage goes: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. The pressure to look good, as well as deliver a perfect presentation, needn't lead to panic. Instead, follow these timeless tips and make sure you stand out for the right reasons. Read More
The massive spending bill enacted by Congress on December 13, and signed into law shortly thereafter, is known as the Multi-Employer Pension Reform Act of 2014 (MPAA). Read More
Millennials often get a bad rap for being entitled and apathetic, but when it comes to giving back, we could all take notes...

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A happy team leads to a good product, so keeping your employees cared for and nurtured should make the top of your to-do list. Below, 15 founders from the Young Entrepreneur Council share the surprising perks your employees might really care about. Read More
If your employees regularly receive tips, it is important to comply with the withholding requirements and pay your company’s fair share of employment taxes. Expensive penalties can be assessed on both employers and employees if the tip reporting rules are not followed. Read More
As MLK Day approaches on Monday, January 19th, individuals and companies across the country are thinking about how they can honor Dr. King by serving others.... Read More
What motivates employees?

It’s a question that keeps HR folks up at night. In the 2014 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends research, 78% of business... Read More

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