30% more than what I am currently drawing”. Like the objective statement in many CVs which says “To put in my best effort and contribute for the benefit Read More
With the recent annual Giving USA Foundation report revealing a decline in corporate giving last year, it’s time for Corporate America to regroup... Read More
The CEO, paradoxically, has the most overall power over her company, but the least amount of personal control over it. They get credit or blame for every major action in the company, even if they are not directly responsible. So how is this possible? Because the CEO sets the vision and the values o Read More
Work flexibility is becoming the norm in the workplace. However, a bias exists that favors working fathers over working mothers, according to a new study. So why does this bias exist and how does it effect the wage gap? Read More
Remote working means you’re away from the office, which results in there being a lack of communication that could potentially lead to you missing out on some information or key pieces of data etc. Read More
Working from home is like going back to the snow day at school, the feeling of excitement that you don’t have to make the commute or put up with the stress is enough to give you butterflies. Instead you can wake up in the morning, take time to create a gourmet breakfast and brew that Colombian bean Read More
I’ve been working my professional life so far as a remote employee, that means I’ve not really had the experience of working in an office environment, but honestly it’s something that just doesn’t appeal to me. Read More
According to the most recent Giving USA Foundation report, charitable contributions in the U.S. grew 4.4 percent in 2013 yet still haven’t rebounded to peak levels achieved before the economic recession... Read More
Face the fact: No one likes working. Human beings are lazy creatures but they must work for a living. The definition of survival however, can vary based on your position. Sensing mutiny among your troops, here are some things to be on the look out for:
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What do YOU do to help employees bond with one another? At Druva, the team is split between California and India, and the leadership does everything it can to help people feel connected. Like, say, share photos of everybody's pets.

Which is yet another excuse for you to say Awwwww at cute cats, Read More

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