We know that as a small business owner, you have your hands full. Aflac has made it easier for you to communicate with your employees about their benefits with the new online Employee Communications Toolkit that has customizable messaging tools. Read More
For the self-employed, it can be tempting to forget some of the basics associated with long-term financial planning. Read More
If Americans limited their time of sitting by three hours the average lifespan would be extended two years. Use these simple excuses to stand every hour to extend your own life expectancy. Read More
Employee engagement is the new buzzword of business, and it’s something we hear all the time when it comes to Lean Six Sigma deployments.

Most of us will know that engagement improves productivity, but it’s less clear on how else it can help the business. 100% Effective’s infographic illustrates Read More
Since 2010, much of the conversation for small business owners regarding Obamacare has been about how healthcare reform will or will not apply to their business. Now, business owners are facing sticker shock as they receive their 2015 renewal rates for employee health insurance plans. Read More
The Congressional Budget Office believes that there will be a reduction in the equivalent of two million jobs because entrepreneurs and others can leave their jobs and get affordable health care because of the ACA. Read More
Health care had certainly felt a major revamp last year. With this, the trends in health care has also changed. Here are some of the latest trends that every small business owner should look out for. Read More
Every individual at the workplace shares a certain relationship with his fellow workers. Human beings are not machines who can start working just at the push of a mere button. They need people to talk to, discuss ideas with each other and share their happiness and sorrows. An individual cannot work Read More
Breaks aren’t just the product of laziness or a short attention span. A growing body of scientific research supports an idea we’ve always understood: Regular breaks enhance your cognitive powers of concentration and creativity, and help preserve your physical health. Read More
About a third of the people who are getting the most benefit from Obamacare are between 18 and 34. That’s a good thing from the point of insurers; it’s the demographic least likely to need major healthcare so payments from that group support insurance for demographics more likely to need care.

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