In this round robin interviews, the prospective candidate meets professionals in the company like the HR officer, department supervisor, potential co-workers and sometimes, General Manager Read More
These days coffee shops have become more than a place of a hangout and to have fun. Many companies are opting to have interviews also in these places. It might seem an easy option to give an interview in a coffee shop, but that is also a tricky situation to be in.
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Becoming a more inclusive workplace is a sure-fire way to make your business stand out as somewhere to stay for the long-haul. Read More
Everyone change jobs for an improved paycheck. It is obvious that you’ll always look for a better company which is rich in growth and has the ability to pay you more than the current one. But, how will you decide when to change jobs when you aren’t sure if it is the right thing to do or not?
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Work related accidents and workers' comp is very important topic that business owners cannot ignore. Here is everything you need to know. Read More
Whether you run an office, a school, coaching institute or a college, marking attendance of your staff, employees, students and teachers is an everyday affair. In today's work environments, companies might need to allow employees to work from remote locations or work from home. Hence it is importan Read More
Interns are the talented inexperienced students who come fresh directly from the schools or the colleges in order to get the practical experience in the field of experienced and successful ones. The interns are usually not known to the corporate world and it’s environment so, training the interns a Read More
It is a fact that good jobs are tough to find and in the same manner, good employees are ones who are difficult to maintain. Every CEO, businessman or manager must make sure that the employees are the lifeblood of the company. They should know that happy workers are productive workers. Every employ Read More
Job seekers are always on the lookout for recruiters and recruiting agencies. But many people mistake the recruiters to be agents. Recruiters work for clients who want to fill vacancies in their firm or organization. Read More
Here is how to ensure the development of your employees by offering consistent guidance with your organization for career progression. Read More

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