Are you following wage and hours laws when it comes to your small business’s employees? If you’re not sure, you’d better make sure. Wage and hour lawsuits are on the rise. LifeInc. recently reported that more wage and hour lawsuits were filed against employers in the first seven months of 2012 than Read More
The best ideas in corporate social responsibility don’t always come from the boardroom or the CSR manager. Find out where AT&T gets them. Read More
It is possible to set up a learning management system in your business and get the features you need without straining your budget. Here a few of the most popular options out there. Read More
Professional development training

Why is “Professional development training” a vital component of your business?
Because, the future prosperity of your organisation depends on the performance of your people. And the performance of your people is only as good their knowledge-base and enthusias Read More
One of the biggest questions small businesses face is when to hire or create a human resources department. If you only have one or two employees, then there is a good chance that you may not need to hire an HR director. Read More
The results of a recent survey by OfficeTeam show that approximately 6 out of 10 companies are using video interviews to improve the efficiency of their hiring processes. Comparing this figure to the results from a survey the year before, the implementation of video interviewing has increased. Read More
Let’s get real: work is stressful. All jobs come with their fair share of stressful situations, tough projects, and annoying coworkers. You might not want to admit it because you’re convinced you have the best company culture in the world, but your employees are stressed out. Read More
It’s true that as a hiring manager, it is easy to pick out the mistakes that the candidates you are interviewing make. You want to make sure you are hiring the right person and are on the look out for tell-tale signs that show you this candidate is not the right fit. Read More
Does employee satisfaction lead to employee engagement? Can you be a satisfied employee and a disengaged employee at the same time? Read More
What is project management software? For starters, project management software is a program to create an organized ways to deal with a certain project. It breaks down the entire project into small pieces or into a step by step process Read More

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