During the recruiting process, certain information is obtained from applicants. With the Internet, organizations can now simultaneously receive a large number of applications for multiple job openings. This often leads to questions about information security and what to do with applicant data. Read More
u. Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the interview process though is knowing that this candidate has produced results in the past. Any candidate can say they can get the job done, but you want one that has already shown that they have. Read More
As the presidential election heats up, everyone seems to be discussing hot topics framing our political discourse. Unless you’re working in a political industry where people are used to this sort of talk, it can be difficult to keep these discussions civil to maintain a professional company cultur Read More
Has your company started implementing video interviews yet? If not, it seems as though you are part of the minority. In a recent survey put out by OfficeTeam, it was discovered that 63 percent of human resource managers use or have used video interviewing recently in the hiring process. Read More
When the job market is as rough as it is now, it’s inevitable that companies have downsized in order to keep their profits up. It’s a harsh reality, but certainly one that employers must face head on. Read More
Some employers are paralyzed by the fear that they will make a bad hire. That is understandable, given that making a mistake in the hiring process can cost them. Read More
Developing an effective position description involves the use of a position description form and can also use a factor evaluation system. Read More
Treat people with respect and kindness and you will be amazed how fast you will fly through the ranks. Read More
Read interesting pros and cons about IT outsourcing. Get to learn more about Outsourcing business and avail benefits from it.
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Let’s face the fact, we all want a raise. But the problem is your boss has not give it and did not even mention it. You would like to tell your boss about the raise but you are afraid that you may offend your boss. Read More

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