Ever wonder how do conduct a great employee review? This article covers the important basics for every small business owner. Read More
As a manager, what do you do when an employee’s performance starts to go south? Focusing on the employee’s behavior may be one effective way of correcting and improving the employee’s performance. Read More
Engaged employees are also, not surprisingly, more productive employees. They are the superstars who come into work eager and ready to give it their all and learn new things in the process. Read More
Have you ever thought about a candidate’s thank you letter as holding a lot of weight in the hiring process? If not, you should definitely start using the thank you letter as way of gaining information from a candidate. Read More
Employees make sure a business is operating efficiently on a day-to-day basis. Hiring and developing a strong staff might help a business improve its returns. Read More
If you need a little convincing on the importance of corporate philanthropy, Xerox provides a case study on how much you get back when you give back. Read More
Millions of people all across the globe have probably picked up a self-help book and improved their life, business or company. One of the most memorable self-help books is the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This title got us thinking about what the 7 habits of highly effective managers are. Read More
A recruitment agency is also known as a staffing agency and provides your company the best professionals available in the industry. These professionals are pre screened and pre qualified and therefore, your company does not have to input much time into the whole process. Read More
A question and answer session with on of Tiger Recruitment's top Virtual Assistants exploring exactly what it takes to be a top Virtual PA. Read More
Companies might be afraid to try out video interviewing due to discrimination concerns. The truth is, these companies would be missing out on a great hiring tool for no reason. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, video interviewing is 100 percent compliant with all regulations Read More

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