Know your audience. Tailor your presentation to your prospective customers. To do that, consider what they are likely to need from you. Use terminology they'll understand and make sure you are familiar with their business jargon. That will help you to establish common ground with them. Read More
Maintaining a healthy sales pipeline is the key to consistent and predictable sales performance. Everybody feels better when there are enough qualified opportunities "in the works" to forecast strong sales in the future. The best way to ensure an increase in future revenue is to focus on building your sales pipeline today. Read More
Social networking sites were originally formed with the intention of building friendships and networks of like minded social contacts. However, there is no avoiding the fact that these same websites also offer businesses the opportunity Read More
Three qualities that effective book promotion requires, include: An open mind Curiosity Creativity These traits will help you search for ways to improve your approach, your promotion, your website and more. Read More
I stumbled upon this site for the first time last week and came back to it again today out of curiosity. It so happens something slightly changed- luckily, it still works to prove my point. Last week, the Natural Confectionery Company was offering a bag of free sweets!:-) which at the end engaged the viewer into putting in their contact details Read More
Google's $3.1 billion investment in DoubleClick may finally be paying off: the company has announced it is using DoubleClick's technology to improve AdSense. Read More
Worldwide statistics of social networking usage were recently released by comScore indicating the rate of growth by region of the world between 2007 and 2008. Before I show you the chart though, I want to highlight the fact that on a worldwide scale the use of social networks increased at a 25% rate compared to last year. Read More
News is, AOL launched a worldwide online campaign that runs through the step by step of what target advertising is, benefits it brings and opting out options. And what better way to represent it than with Mr. Penguin; he's friendly, harmless, everyone loves penguins, plus, he loves anchovies. Read More
Learn how to use THE most effective business tool open to SME's. And it is COMPLETELY free to everyone! Learn it, consider its use in depth for your business and then use it well! Read More
A growing number of SMBs with a web presence are discovering the simple joys of Google Analytics. It's true that many software brands exist now that can blow whistles and ring bells that outstrip the Google feeling, but how effective is the bang-for-buck of the high-priced analytics solution for the average startup site? Read More

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