Some site owners think that they need to have ground-breaking, earth-shattering news in order to publish an online press release, but that’s not the case. While traditional PR may be less forgiving (considering how inundated reporters are with press releases from companies), online PR has a much wi Read More
A press release can be great for search engine optimization, while sharing important information about your business to the public. Here are some tips on writing an effective press release. Read More
A marketing campaign is no different than a political campaign; the difference is the goal. The marketer wants a sale and the politician wants a vote. We can learn quite a bit by looking at political campaigns. Read More
Content is an extremely important component of an Internet marketing and SEO campaign. Inbound marketing tactics (like publishing informative content) consistently prove to be effective in attracting consumer attention. For SEO purposes, each piece of content that is well optimized for the search e Read More
It’s bad enough when you walk out of the bathroom with your dress tucked into your underwear. It’s worse when your red-faced moment is beamed to millions of television viewers. Here's what not to do on TV. Read More
You know how important joint ventures are for your business... they are the one thing that can take you from zero to hero in a market over night!... Read More
Many people looking to be a guest on talk radio get nervous about a possible controversy during the interview. They want it to be friendly with no confrontations. The problem is confrontation makes for good entertainment and people remembering you. Learn how to handle it well. Read More
By now there is a good chance most everyone has a thought and emotion that runs through their head when they hear the phrase, “pink slime.” But what can small business PR learn from the pink slime fiasco? What lessons are to be learned in understanding what has taken place, how did the pink slime c Read More
Publicity is different from traditional advertising in that it builds credibility because it is a third party that is distributing the information. With advertising the message is totally controlled by the company Read More
Nick Stamoulis explains how different online PR distribution sites let site owners specify which regions and which industries their online press releases target. This helps site owners makes sure their online PR is being distributed to the right audience. Read More

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