Advanced email marketing (email marketing 2.0) means tailoring the message to your prospect and not sending information to them they can't use or don't want Read More
Are Business Plans Necessary? tells participants why they need a business plan; where to find the information needed; and how to do one. Read More
With the right tools and access to the right databases, nonprofit leaders and their development staff can discover high-value donors in their own communities. Join us to find the Mother Lode of donors in your community. In Ventureneer's online course for nonprofit leaders, you get practical information in an affordable and convenient format that includes plenty of time for questions and answers Read More
Ladies, get ready to get social? Learn social media with peer pupport. Women invented social media. After all, who recommends more products and services than women? No one. Shouldn't our businesses benefit from our invention? You bet, and that’s what is all about. Clear explanations with practical advice, marketing tools, and time-management perspectives with plenty of Q & A time. Information is explained well, and more importantly, in plain English. Starting June 15. Read More
Luck plays a major role in almost all success stories, but that doesn't mean that success is random. Here are some ways you can manufacture your own luck Read More
During these economic times, many companies are facing difficult challenges and franchise companies are not immune to these same challenges. Since franchisees are dependent upon their franchisor, it’s important for franchisees to identify warning signs that their franchisor is having problems. Find out what these warning signs are and how to respond Read More
Your dream client can buy from many salespeople. Why should they buy from you? The first—and most important sale—is selling yourself. Your dream client has to buy that you are someone worth spending their time, that you have the ability to make a difference, that you are worth presenting to their team, and that you can and will deliver what you promise. You are the solution Read More
This weeks blog posts from a variety of popular blogs for inspiration and ideas about how to market your small business Read More
First impressions happen extremely quickly, and can be difficult to overcome. Creating a new starting point is an opportunity to build a new first impression Read More
Your logo is your first impression. It's a quick snapshot of your business' personality. Restaurant rebranding case study Read More

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